sipxportlib  Version 3.3
StunUtils Member List

This is the complete list of members for StunUtils, including all inherited members.

allocateTurnAddress(OsDatagramSocket *pSocket, const char *szServerIp, const int port, char *szRelayIp, uint16_t *piRelayPort, uint32_t *plLifetime)StunUtilsstatic
debugDump(char *pPacket, size_t nPacket, UtlString &output)StunUtilsstatic
determineStunNatType(const char *szServer, const int port)StunUtilsstatic
natTypeToString(STUN_NAT_TYPE type)StunUtilsstatic
sendStunNatTest(OsDatagramSocket *pSocket, const char *szServerIp, const int port, bool bChangePort, bool bChangeIP, char *szMappedIp, uint16_t *piMappedPort, char *szChangedIp, uint16_t *piChangedPort)StunUtilsstatic