sipxmedialib  Version 3.3
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 C__MpGlobalsThis structure contain all static variables
 CMpResource::ConnThe Conn object maintains information about the "far end" of a connection
 CMpResourceTopology::ConnectionDefA connection type for use with addConnections()
 CCoreAudioHardwareContainer for CoreAudio hardware device specific
 CCTLink< CReceiverReport * >
 CCTLink< CRTCPConnection * >
 CCTLink< CRTCPSession * >
 CCTLink< CSourceDescription * >
 CCTLink< IRTCPNotify * >
 CCTLinkedList< TENTRY >
 CCTLinkedList< CReceiverReport * >
 CCTLinkedList< CRTCPConnection * >
 CCTLinkedList< CRTCPSession * >
 CCTLinkedList< CSourceDescription * >
 CCTLinkedList< IRTCPNotify * >
 CMpAgcBaseBase class for AGC algorithm
 CMpAndroidAudioBindingInterfaceAudio wrapper interface driver for Android OS version spesific differences
 CMpAndroidAudioRecordAudio input driver for Android OS
 CMpAndroidAudioTrackAudio input driver for Android OS
 CMpBridgeAlgBaseBase class for the Bridge mixing algorithms
 CMpBufBase class for all media buffers
 CMpBufPoolPool of buffers
 CMpBufPtrSmart pointer to MpBuf
 CMpDecoderBaseBase class for all media processing decoders
 CMpDecoderPayloadMapHelper class for MprDecode - it maps payload types to decoder instances
 CMpDspUtilsClass for generic DSP functions
 CMpDtmfDetectorA simple DTMF detector class that uses the Goertzel algorithm
 CMpEncoderBaseBase class for all media processing encoders
 CMpFlowGraphBaseFlow graph for coordinating the execution of media processing resources
 CMpInputDeviceFrameDataPrivate class container for input device buffer and related info
 CMpInputDeviceManagerContainer of input devices for input drivers and resources
 CMpJitterBufferClass for decoding of incoming RTP, resampling it to target sample rate and slicing to frames of target size
 CMpJitterBufferEstimationAbstract base class for Jitter Buffer Estimation (JBE) algorithms
 CMpMMTimerHigh-precision periodic timer (MultiMedia timer) base class
 CMpOutputDeviceManagerContainer of output devices
 CMppCodecFmtpInfoV1_2Information about concrete codec instance (i.e. with selected fmtp)
 CMppCodecInfoV1_1Generic information about codec
 CMprDejitterThe "Dejitter" utility class
 CMprDelay::MprDelayFifoFifo for Delay resource
 CMpResamplerBaseGeneric audio resampler
 CMpResourceFactoryMpResourceFactory is used to construct resources by type name
 CMpResourceTopologyMpResourceTopology is used to define a set of resources and how they are to be connected in a flowgraph
 CMprFromNetThe "From Network" media processing resource
 CMprRtpDispatcherClass for RTP stream dispatcher abstraction
 CMprToNetThe RTP writer
 CMpStaticCodecSimpleListVery simple single-linked list implementation, used by codecs' loading infrastructure
 CMpStreamPlaylistPlayer::PlaylistDbDefinition for a playlist entry
 CMpMMTimerPosix::PosixSignalRegHelp class for signal registering
 CMpResourceTopology::ResourceDefA resource type for use with addResources()
 CRtpHeaderRTP header as described in RFC 3550
 CStreamDataSourceAn abstraction definition of a stream data source