sipXtapi.h File Reference

Detailed Description

sipXtapi main API declarations

#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>

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Data Structures

 Container class for security attributes. More...
 Structure used to pass window handle/filter interface for video calls. More...
 The CONTACT_ADDRESS structure includes contact information (ip and port), address source type, and interface. More...
 The SIPX_AUDIO_CODEC structure includes codec name and bandwidth info. More...
 RTCP statistics computed according to RFC 3550. More...
 The SIPX_VIDEO_CODEC structure includes codec name and bandwidth info. More...
 In the MEDIA_LOCAL_START and MEDIA_REMOTE_START events the SIPX_CODEC_INFO structure is being passed up to the event handler and contains information about the negotiated audio and video codec. More...
 This structure gets passed into sipxCallConnect, sipxCallAccept, and sipxConferenceAdd calls and sets options on a per call basis. More...


 The SIPX_CALLING_CONVENTION define controls the default calling convention.
#define DEFAULT_UDP_PORT   5060
 Default UDP port.
#define DEFAULT_TCP_PORT   5060
 Default TCP port.
#define DEFAULT_TLS_PORT   5061
 Default TLS port.
 Starting RTP port for RTP port range.
#define DEFAULT_STUN_PORT   3478
 Default stun server port.
 Default number of max sim.
#define DEFAULT_IDENTITY   "sipx"
 sipx<IP>:UDP_PORT used as identify if lines are not defined.
 Bind to the first physical interface discovered.
#define CODEC_G711_PCMU   "258"
 ID for PCMU vocodec.
#define CODEC_G711_PCMA   "257"
 ID for PCMA vocodec.
#define CODEC_DTMF_RFC2833   "128"
 ID for RFC2833 DMTF (out of band DTMF codec).
#define GAIN_MIN   0
 Min acceptable gain value.
#define GAIN_MAX   100
 Max acceptable gain value.
#define GAIN_DEFAULT   70
 Nominal gain value.
#define VOLUME_MIN   1
 Min acceptable volume value.
#define VOLUME_MAX   100
 Max acceptable volume value.
#define VOLUME_DEFAULT   70
 Nominal volume value.
#define MAX_AUDIO_DEVICES   16
 Max number of input/output audio devices.
 Max number of video capture devices.
 Max length of video capture device string.
 Max number of conference participants.
 Maximum number of IP addresses on the host.
#define SIPX_MAX_CALLS   64
 Maximum number of simultaneous calls.
#define SIPX_PORT_DISABLE   -1
 Special value that disables the transport type (e.g.
#define SIPX_PORT_AUTO   -2
 Special value that instructs sipXtapi to automatically select an open port for signaling or audio when passed to sipXinitialize.
#define SIPXTAPI_VERSION_STRING   "sipXtapi SDK %s.%s %s (built %s)"
 Version string format string.
#define SIPXTAPI_VERSION   "2.9.1"
 sipXtapi API version -- automatically filled in during release process
 Default build number -- automatically filled in during release process.
#define SIPXTAPI_BUILD_WORD   2,9,1,0
 Default build word -- automatically filled in during release process.
 Default full version number -- automatically filled in during release process.
#define SIPXTAPI_BUILDDATE   "0000-00-00"
 Default build date -- automatically filled in during release process.
 Max length of an adapter name.
#define SIPXTAPI_API   extern "C"
 Assume extern "C" for non-win32 platforms.
#define MAX_SRTP_KEY_LENGTH   31
 srtp key length
#define MAX_SMIME_KEY_LENGTH   2048
 s/mime key length
#define MAX_PKCS12_KEY_LENGTH   4096
 pkcs12 key length
 maximum password length PKI operations
 Maximum length for codec name.
 Maximum length for codec name.


typedef void(*) sipxLogCallback (const char *szPriority, const char *szSource, const char *szMsg)
 Signature for a log callback function that gets passed three strings, first string is the priority level, second string is the source id of the subsystem that generated the message, and the third string is the message itself.
 Left for backwards compatibility -- please use SIPX_TONE_ID.
typedef void * SIPX_WINDOW_HANDLE
 Type for storing a "window object handle" - in Windows, the application should cast their HWND to a SIPX_WINDOW_HANDLE.
typedef int SIPX_CONTACT_ID
 Type for storing Contact Record identifiers.
typedef void * SIPX_INST
 The SIPX_INST handle represents an instance of a user agent.
typedef unsigned int SIPX_LINE
 The SIPX_LINE handle represents an inbound or outbound identity.
typedef unsigned int SIPX_CALL
 The SIPX_CALL handle represents a call or connection between the user agent and another party.
typedef unsigned int SIPX_CONF
 The SIPX_CONF handle represents a collection of CALLs that have bridge (mixed) audio.
typedef unsigned int SIPX_INFO
 The SIPX_INFO handle represents a handle to an INFO message sent by a sipXtapi instance.
typedef unsigned int SIPX_PUB
 The SIPX_PUB handle represent a publisher context.
typedef unsigned int SIPX_SUB
 A SIPX_SUB handle represent a subscription to a remote publisher.
typedef unsigned int SIPX_TRANSPORT
 The SIPX_TRANSPORT handle represents a user-implementation of a network transport mechanism to be used for SIP signalling.
typedef bool(SIPX_CALLING_CONVENTION *) SIPX_TRANSPORT_WRITE_PROC (SIPX_TRANSPORT hTransport, const char *szDestinationIp, const int iDestPort, const char *szLocalIp, const int iLocalPort, const void *pData, const size_t nData, const void *pUserData)
 External Transport callback definition.
typedef void(*) fnMicAudioHook (const int nSamples, short *pSamples)
 Typedef for audio source (microphone) hook procedure.
typedef void(*) fnSpkrAudioHook (const int nSamples, short *pSamples)
 Typedef for audio target(speaker) hook procedure.


 Speaker output types are used to differentiate between the logical ringer (used to alert user of in inbound call) and speaker (in call audio device). More...
 Codec bandwidth ids are used to select a group of codecs with equal or lower bandwidth requirements. More...
 Video Codec bandwidth ids are used to select a group of codecs with equal or lower bandwidth requirements. More...
 Video Codec quality definitions. More...
 Enumeration of possible video sizes. More...
 Format definitions for memory resident audio data. More...
 SIPX_RESULT is an enumeration with all the possible result/return codes. More...
enum  SIPX_TONE_ID {
  ID_DTMF_INVALID = 0, ID_DTMF_0 = '0', ID_DTMF_1 = '1', ID_DTMF_2 = '2',
  ID_DTMF_3 = '3', ID_DTMF_4 = '4', ID_DTMF_5 = '5', ID_DTMF_6 = '6',
  ID_DTMF_7 = '7', ID_DTMF_8 = '8', ID_DTMF_9 = '9', ID_DTMF_STAR = '*',
 DTMF/other tone ids used with sipxCallStartTone/sipxCallStopTone. More...
 Various log levels available for the sipxConfigEnableLog method. More...
 Enumeration of the possible levels of SRTP. More...
 SIPX_CONTACT_TYPE is an enumeration of possible address types for use with SIP contacts and SDP connection information. More...
 SIPX_TRANSPORT_TYPE defines various protocols use for signaling transport. More...
 Enum for specifying the type of display object to be used for displaying video. More...
 Possible roles that a Media connection can have. More...
 SIPX_KEEPALIVE_TYPEs define different methods of keeping NAT/firewall port open. More...
 SIPX_AEC_MODE defines different AEC modes. More...
 SIPX_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE defines the various noise reduction options. More...


SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxInitialize (SIPX_INST *phInst, const int udpPort=DEFAULT_UDP_PORT, const int tcpPort=DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, const int tlsPort=DEFAULT_TLS_PORT, const int rtpPortStart=DEFAULT_RTP_START_PORT, const int maxConnections=DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS, const char *szIdentity=DEFAULT_IDENTITY, const char *szBindToAddr=DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS, bool bUseSequentialPorts=false, const char *szTLSCertificateNickname=NULL, const char *szTLSCertificatePassword=NULL, const char *szDbLocation=NULL)
 Initialize the sipX tapi-like API layer.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxReInitialize (SIPX_INST *phInst, const int udpPort=DEFAULT_UDP_PORT, const int tcpPort=DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, const int tlsPort=DEFAULT_TLS_PORT, const int rtpPortStart=DEFAULT_RTP_START_PORT, const int maxConnections=DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS, const char *szIdentity=DEFAULT_IDENTITY, const char *szBindToAddr=DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS, bool bUseSequentialPorts=false, const char *szTLSCertificateNickname=NULL, const char *szTLSCertificatePassword=NULL, const char *szDbLocation=NULL)
 Re-initialize the sipX tapi-like API layer.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUnInitialize (SIPX_INST hInst, bool bForceShutdown=false)
 Un-initialize the sipX tapi-like API layer.
Call Methods
 Accepts an inbound call and proceed immediately to alerting.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallReject (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const int errorCode=400, const char *szErrorText="Bad Request")
 Reject an inbound call (prior to alerting the user).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallRedirect (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const char *szForwardURL)
 Redirect an inbound call (prior to alerting the user).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAnswer (const SIPX_CALL hCall, bool bTakeFocus=true)
 Answer an alerting call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallCreate (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SIPX_LINE hLine, SIPX_CALL *phCall)
 Create a new call for the purpose of creating an outbound connection/call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallConnect (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const char *szAddress, SIPX_CONTACT_ID contactId=0, SIPX_VIDEO_DISPLAY *const pDisplay=NULL, SIPX_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *const pSecurity=NULL, bool bTakeFocus=true, SIPX_CALL_OPTIONS *options=NULL, const char *szCallId=NULL)
 Connects an idle call to the designated target address.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallHold (const SIPX_CALL hCall, bool bStopRemoteAudio=true)
 Place the specified call on hold.
 Take the specified call off hold.
 Drop/Destroy the specified call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetID (const SIPX_CALL hCall, char *szId, const size_t iMaxLength)
 Get the SIP call ID of the call represented by the specified call handle.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetLocalID (const SIPX_CALL hCall, char *szId, const size_t iMaxLength)
 Get the SIP identity of the local connection.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetRemoteID (const SIPX_CALL hCall, char *szId, const size_t iMaxLength)
 Get the SIP identity of the remote connection.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetContactID (const SIPX_CALL hCall, char *szId, const size_t iMaxLength)
 Get the SIP identity of the contact connection.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetConnectionId (const SIPX_CALL hCall, int &connectionId)
 Gets the media interface connectionid.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetConference (const SIPX_CALL hCall, SIPX_CONF &hConf)
 Get the conference handle for the specified call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetRequestURI (const SIPX_CALL hCall, char *szUri, const size_t iMaxLength)
 Get the SIP request uri.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetRemoteContact (const SIPX_CALL hCall, char *szContact, const size_t iMaxLength)
 Get the SIP remote contact.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetRemoteUserAgent (const SIPX_CALL hCall, char *szAgent, const size_t iMaxLength)
 Get the remote user agent of the call represented by the specified call handle.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallStartTone (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const SIPX_TONE_ID toneId, const bool bLocal, const bool bRemote)
 Play a tone (DTMF, dialtone, ring back, etc) to the local and/or remote party.
 Stop playing a tone (DTMF, dialtone, ring back, etc).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAudioPlayFileStart (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const char *szFile, const bool bRepeat, const bool bLocal, const bool bRemote, const bool bMixWithMicrophone=false, const float fVolumeScaling=1.0)
 Play the designated file.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAudioPlayFileStop (const SIPX_CALL hCall)
 Stop playing a file started with sipxCallPlayFileStart If a sipxCallDestroy is attempted while an audio file is playing, sipxCallDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAudioRecordFileStart (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const char *szFile)
 Record a call session (including other parties if this is a multi-party call / conference) to a file.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAudioRecordFileStop (const SIPX_CALL hCall)
 Stop recording a call to file.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallPlayBufferStart (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const char *szBuffer, const int bufSize, const int bufType, const bool bRepeat, const bool bLocal, const bool bRemote)
 Play the specified audio data.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallPlayBufferStop (const SIPX_CALL hCall)
 Stop playing the audio started with sipxCallPlayBufferStart If a sipxCallDestroy is attempted while an audio buffer is playing, sipxCallDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallSubscribe (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const char *szEventType, const char *szAcceptType, SIPX_SUB *phSub, bool bRemoteContactIsGruu=false)
 Subscribe for NOTIFY events which may be published by the other end-point of the call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallUnsubscribe (const SIPX_SUB hSub)
 Unsubscribe from previously subscribed NOTIFY events.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallSendInfo (SIPX_INFO *phInfo, const SIPX_CALL hCall, const char *szContentType, const char *szContent, const size_t nContentLength)
 Sends an INFO event to the specified call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallBlindTransfer (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const char *szAddress)
 Blind transfer the specified call to another party.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallTransfer (const SIPX_CALL hSourceCall, const SIPX_CALL hTargetCall)
 Transfer the source call to the target call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallUpdateVideoWindow (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const SIPX_WINDOW_HANDLE hWnd)
 Updates the Video window with a new frame buffer.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallResizeWindow (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const SIPX_WINDOW_HANDLE hWnd)
 Resizes the video window.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetEnergyLevels (const SIPX_CALL hCall, int &iInputEnergyLevel, int &iOutputEnergyLevel, const size_t nMaxContributors, unsigned int CCSRCs[], int iEnergyLevels[], size_t &nActualContributors)
 Gets energy levels for a call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetAudioRtpSourceIds (const SIPX_CALL hCall, unsigned int &iSendSSRC, unsigned int &iReceiveSSRC)
 Gets the sending and receiving Audio RTP SSRC IDs.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetAudioRtcpStats (const SIPX_CALL hCall, SIPX_RTCP_STATS *pStats)
 Obtain RTCP stats for the specified call.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallLimitCodecPreferences (const SIPX_CALL hCall, const SIPX_AUDIO_BANDWIDTH_ID audioBandwidth, const SIPX_VIDEO_BANDWIDTH_ID videoBandwidth, const char *szVideoCodecName)
 Limits the codec preferences on a per-call basis.
Publishing Methods
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxPublisherCreate (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_PUB *phPub, const char *szResourceId, const char *szEventType, const char *szContentType, const char *pContent, const size_t nContentLength)
 Creates a publishing context, which perfoms the processing necessary to accept SUBSCRIBE requests, and to publish NOTIFY messages to subscribers.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxPublisherDestroy (const SIPX_PUB hPub, const char *szContentType, const char *pFinalContent, const size_t nContentLength)
 Tears down the publishing context.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxPublisherUpdate (const SIPX_PUB hPub, const char *szContentType, const char *pContent, const size_t nContentLength)
 Publishes an updated state to specific event via NOTIFY to its subscribers.
Conference Methods
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceCreate (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_CONF *phConference)
 Create a conference handle.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceJoin (const SIPX_CONF hConf, const SIPX_CALL hCall)
 Join (add) an existing held call into a conference.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceSplit (const SIPX_CONF hConf, const SIPX_CALL hCall)
 Split (remove) a held call from a conference.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceAdd (const SIPX_CONF hConf, const SIPX_LINE hLine, const char *szAddress, SIPX_CALL *phNewCall, SIPX_CONTACT_ID contactId=0, SIPX_VIDEO_DISPLAY *const pDisplay=NULL, SIPX_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *const pSecurity=NULL, bool bTakeFocus=true, SIPX_CALL_OPTIONS *options=NULL)
 Add a new party to an existing conference.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceRemove (const SIPX_CONF hConf, const SIPX_CALL hCall)
 Removes a participant from conference by hanging up on them.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceGetCalls (const SIPX_CONF hConf, SIPX_CALL calls[], const size_t iMax, size_t &nActual)
 Gets all of the calls participating in a conference.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceHold (const SIPX_CONF hConf, bool bBridging=true)
 Places a conference on hold.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceUnhold (const SIPX_CONF hConf)
 Removes conference members from a held state.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferencePlayAudioFileStart (const SIPX_CONF hConf, const char *szFile, const bool bRepeat, const bool bLocal, const bool bRemote, const bool bMixWithMicrophone=false, const float fVolumeScaling=1.0)
 Play the designated audio file to all conference partipants and/or the local speaker.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferencePlayAudioFileStop (const SIPX_CONF hConf)
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceDestroy (SIPX_CONF hConf)
 Destroys a conference.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceGetEnergyLevels (const SIPX_CONF hConf, int &iInputEnergyLevel, int &iOutputEnergyLevel)
 Gets energy levels for a conference.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceLimitCodecPreferences (const SIPX_CONF hConf, const SIPX_AUDIO_BANDWIDTH_ID audioBandwidth, const SIPX_VIDEO_BANDWIDTH_ID videoBandwidth, const char *szVideoCodecName)
 Limits the codec preferences on a conference.
Audio Methods
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetGain (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int iLevel)
 Set the local microphone gain.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetGain (const SIPX_INST hInst, int &iLevel)
 Get the current microphone gain.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioMute (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bMute)
 Mute or unmute the microphone.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioIsMuted (const SIPX_INST hInst, bool &bMuted)
 Gets the mute state of the microphone.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioEnableSpeaker (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SPEAKER_TYPE type)
 Enables one of the speaker outputs.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetEnabledSpeaker (const SIPX_INST hInst, SPEAKER_TYPE &type)
 Gets the enabled speaker selection.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetVolume (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SPEAKER_TYPE type, const int iLevel)
 Sets the audio level for the designated speaker type.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetVolume (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SPEAKER_TYPE type, int &iLevel)
 Gets the audio level for the designated speaker type.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetAECMode (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SIPX_AEC_MODE mode)
 Enables or disables Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC).
 Get the mode of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetAGCMode (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bEnable)
 Enable/Disable Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetAGCMode (const SIPX_INST hInst, bool &bEnabled)
 Get the enable/disable state of Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetNoiseReductionMode (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SIPX_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE mode)
 Set the noise reduction mode/policy for suppressing background noise.
 Get the mode/policy for Noise Reduction (NR).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetNumInputDevices (const SIPX_INST hInst, size_t &numDevices)
 Get the number of input devices available on this system.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetInputDevice (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int index, const char *&szDevice)
 Get the name/identifier for input device at position index.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetNumOutputDevices (const SIPX_INST hInst, size_t &numDevices)
 Get the number of output devices available on this system.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetOutputDevice (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int index, const char *&szDevice)
 Get the name/identifier for output device at position index.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetCallInputDevice (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szDevice)
 Set the call input device (in-call microphone).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetRingerOutputDevice (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szDevice)
 Set the call ringer/alerting device.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetCallOutputDevice (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szDevice)
 Set the call output device (in-call speaker).
Line / Identity Methods
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineAdd (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szLineURL, SIPX_LINE *phLine, SIPX_CONTACT_ID contactId=0)
 Adds a line appearance.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineAddAlias (const SIPX_LINE hLine, const char *szLineURL)
 Adds an alias for a line definition.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineRegister (const SIPX_LINE hLine, const bool bRegister)
 Registers a line with the proxy server.
 Remove the designated line appearence.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineAddCredential (const SIPX_LINE hLine, const char *szUserID, const char *szPasswd, const char *szRealm)
 Adds authentication credentials to the designated line appearance.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineGet (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_LINE lines[], const size_t max, size_t &actual)
 Gets the active list of line identities.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineGetURI (const SIPX_LINE hLine, char *szBuffer, const size_t nBuffer, size_t &nActual)
 Get the Line URI for the designated line handle.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineGetContactId (const SIPX_LINE hLine, SIPX_CONTACT_ID &contactId)
 Get the contact ID for the designated line handle.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineFindByURI (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szURI, SIPX_LINE &hLine)
 Find a line definition given a URI.
Configuration Methods
 The sipxConfigEnableLog method enables logging for the sipXtapi API, media processing, call processing, SIP stack, and OS abstraction layer.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetLogFile (const char *szFilename)
 The sipxConfigSetlogFile method sets the filename of the log file and directs output to that file.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetLogCallback (sipxLogCallback pCallback)
 Set a callback function to collect logging information.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableGIPSTracing (SIPX_INST hInst, bool bEnable)
 Enables GIPS tracing in sipXtapi (if bundled with sipXtapi).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetMicAudioHook (fnMicAudioHook hookProc)
 Designate a callback routine as a microphone replacement or supplement.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetSpkrAudioHook (fnSpkrAudioHook hookProc)
 Designate a callback routine for post-mixing audio data (e.g.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetUserAgentName (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szName, const bool bIncludePlatformName=true)
 Sets the User-Agent name to be used with outgoing SIP messages.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetOutboundProxy (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szProxy)
 Defines the SIP proxy used for outbound requests.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetDnsSrvTimeouts (const int initialTimeoutInSecs, const int retries)
 Modifies the timeout values used for DNS SRV lookups.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetRegisterResponseWaitSeconds (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int seconds)
 Specifies the time to wait for a REGISTER response before sending a LINESTATE_REGISTER_FAILED (or LINESTATE_UNREGISTER_FAILED) message.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetDnsSrvFailoverTimeout (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int failoverTimeoutInSecs)
 Specifies the time to wait before trying the next DNS SRV record.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableRport (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bEnable)
 Enable or disable the use of "rport".
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetRegisterExpiration (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int nRegisterExpirationSecs)
 Specifies the expiration period for registration.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetSubscribeExpiration (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int nSubscribeExpirationSecs)
 Specifies the expiration period for subscription.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableStun (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szServer, int iServerPort, int iKeepAliveInSecs)
 Enables STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT) support for both UDP SIP signaling and UDP audio/video (RTP).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigDisableStun (const SIPX_INST hInst)
 Disable the use of STUN.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableTurn (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szServer, const int iServerPort, const char *szUsername, const char *szPassword, const int iKeepAliveInSecs)
 Enable TURN for support for UDP audio/video (RTP).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigDisableTurn (const SIPX_INST hInst)
 Disable the use of TURN.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableIce (const SIPX_INST hInst)
 Enables an ICE-like mechanism for determining connecticity of remote parties dynamically.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigDisableIce (const SIPX_INST hInst)
 Disable the use of ICE.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigKeepAliveAdd (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_CONTACT_ID contactId, SIPX_KEEPALIVE_TYPE type, const char *remoteIp, int remotePort, int keepAliveSecs)
 Add a signaling keep alive to a remote ip address.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigKeepAliveRemove (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_CONTACT_ID contactId, SIPX_KEEPALIVE_TYPE type, const char *remoteIp, int remotePort)
 Remove a signaling keepalive.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableOutOfBandDTMF (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bEnable)
 Enable/disable sending of out-of-band DTMF tones.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableInBandDTMF (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bEnable)
 Enable/disable sending of in-band DTMF tones.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableRTCP (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bEnable)
 Enable or disable sending RTCP reports.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableDnsSrv (const bool bEnable)
 Enables/disables sending of DNS SRV request for all sipXtapi instances.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigIsOutOfBandDTMFEnabled (const SIPX_INST hInst, bool &bEnable)
 Determines if sending of out-of-band DTMF tones is enabled or disabled.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigIsInBandDTMFEnabled (const SIPX_INST hInst, bool &bEnable)
 Determines if sending of in-band DTMF tones is enabled or disabled.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVersion (char *szVersion, const size_t nBuffer)
 Get the sipXtapi API version string.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalSipUdpPort (SIPX_INST hInst, int *pPort)
 Get the local UDP port for SIP signaling.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalSipTcpPort (SIPX_INST hInst, int *pPort)
 Get the local TCP port for SIP signaling.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalSipTlsPort (SIPX_INST hInst, int *pPort)
 Get the local TLS port for SIP signaling.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetAudioCodecPreferences (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_AUDIO_BANDWIDTH_ID bandWidth)
 Set the preferred bandwidth requirement for codec selection.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetAudioCodecByName (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szCodecName)
 Set the codec by name.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetAudioCodecPreferences (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_AUDIO_BANDWIDTH_ID *pBandWidth)
 Get the current codec preference.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetNumAudioCodecs (const SIPX_INST hInst, int *pNumCodecs)
 Get the number of audio codecs.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetAudioCodec (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int index, SIPX_AUDIO_CODEC *pCodec)
 Get the audio codec at a certain index in the list of codecs.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoBandwidth (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_VIDEO_BANDWIDTH_ID bandWidth)
 Set the bandwidth parameters for video codecs.Depending on the bandwidth parameter that is passed in the settings will be set to:.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVideoCaptureDevices (const SIPX_INST hInst, char **arrSzCaptureDevices, int nDeviceStringLength, int nArrayLength)
 Gets the list of video capture devices.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVideoCaptureDevice (const SIPX_INST hInst, char *szCaptureDevice, int nLength)
 Gets the current video capture device.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoCaptureDevice (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szCaptureDevice)
 Sets the video capture device.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoCodecByName (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szCodecName)
 Set the codec by name.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigResetVideoCodecs (const SIPX_INST hInst)
 Reset the codec list if it was modified by sipxConfigSetVideoCodecByName.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVideoCodecPreferences (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_VIDEO_BANDWIDTH_ID *pBandWidth)
 Get the current codec preference.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetNumVideoCodecs (const SIPX_INST hInst, int *pNumCodecs)
 Get the number of video codecs.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoFormat (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_VIDEO_FORMAT videoFormat)
 Set the supported video format This method will limit the supported video format to either VIDEO_FORMAT_CIF (352x288), VIDEO_FORMAT_QCIF (176x144), VIDEO_FORMAT_SQCIF (128x92), or VIDEO_FORMAT_QVGA (320x240).
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVideoCodec (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int index, SIPX_VIDEO_CODEC *pCodec)
 Get the video codec at a certain index in the list of codecs.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalContacts (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_CONTACT_ADDRESS addresses[], size_t nMaxAddresses, size_t &nActualAddresses)
 Get the local contact address available for outbound/inbound signaling and audio.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalFeedbackAddress (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szRemoteIp, const int iRemotePort, char *szContactIp, size_t nContactIpLength, int &iContactPort, int iTimeoutMs)
 Get our local ip/port combination for the designated remote ip/port.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetAllLocalNetworkIps (const char *arrAddresses[], const char *arrAddressAdapter[], int &numAddresses)
 Populates an array of IP Addresses in char* form.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetSecurityParameters (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szDbLocation, const char *szMyCertNickname, const char *szDbPassword)
 Set security parameters for an instance of sipXtapi.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableSipShortNames (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bEnabled)
 Enables/Disables use of short field names in sip messages.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableSipDateHeader (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bEnabled)
 Enables/Disables use of date header in sip messages.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableSipAllowHeader (const SIPX_INST hInst, const bool bEnabled)
 Enables/Disables use of allow header in sip messages.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetSipAcceptLanguage (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szLanguage)
 Sets the Accept Language used in sip messages.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetLocationHeader (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szHeader)
 Sets the location header for SIP messages.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetConnectionIdleTimeout (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int idleTimeout)
 Set the connection idle timeout.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigPrepareToHibernate (const SIPX_INST hInst)
 Call this function to prepare a sipXtapi instance for a system hibernation.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigUnHibernate (const SIPX_INST hInst)
 Call this function upon returning from a system hibernation.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableRtpOverTcp (const SIPX_INST hInst, bool bEnable)
 Enables RTP streaming over TCP.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoPreviewDisplay (const SIPX_INST hInst, SIPX_VIDEO_DISPLAY *const pDisplay)
 Sets the display object for the "video preview".
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigUpdatePreviewWindow (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SIPX_WINDOW_HANDLE hWnd)
 Updates the Preview window with a new frame buffer.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoQuality (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SIPX_VIDEO_QUALITY_ID quality)
 Sets the video quality.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoParameters (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int bitRate, const int frameRate)
 Sets the bit rate and frame rate parameters for video.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoBitrate (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int bitRate)
 Sets the video bitrate.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoFramerate (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int frameRate)
 Sets the video framerate.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoCpuUsage (const SIPX_INST hInst, const int cpuUsage)
 Set the cpu usage.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSubscribe (const SIPX_INST hInst, const SIPX_LINE hLine, const char *szTargetUrl, const char *szEventType, const char *szAcceptType, const SIPX_CONTACT_ID contactId, SIPX_SUB *phSub)
 Subscribe for NOTIFY events which may be published by another end-point or server.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigUnsubscribe (const SIPX_SUB hSub)
 Unsubscribe from previously subscribed NOTIFY events.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigExternalTransportAdd (SIPX_INST const hInst, SIPX_TRANSPORT &hTransport, const bool bIsReliable, const char *szTransport, const char *szLocalIP, const int iLocalPort, SIPX_TRANSPORT_WRITE_PROC writeProc, const char *szLocalRoutingId, const void *pUserData=NULL)
 Associates an external transport mechanism for SIP signalling with the given instance.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigExternalTransportRemove (const SIPX_TRANSPORT hTransport)
 Removes an external transport mechanism from the given instance.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigExternalTransportRouteByUser (const SIPX_TRANSPORT hTransport, bool bRouteByUser)
 The external transport mechanism can be configured to route by user or by destination ip/port.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigExternalTransportHandleMessage (const SIPX_TRANSPORT hTransport, const char *szSourceIP, const int iSourcePort, const char *szLocalIP, const int iLocalPort, const void *pData, const size_t nData)
 Called by the application when it receives a complete SIP message via it's external transport mechanism and want to pass it along to sipXtapi.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVoiceQualityServer (const SIPX_INST hInst, const char *szServer)
 Sets the SIP target URL for voice quality reports.
Utility Functions
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUtilUrlParse (const char *szUrl, char *szUsername, char *szHostname, int *iPort)
 Simple utility function to parse the username, host, and port from a URL.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUtilUrlGetDisplayName (const char *szUrl, char *szDisplayName, size_t nDisplayName)
 Simple utility function to parse the display name from a SIP URL.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUtilUrlUpdate (char *szUrl, size_t &nUrl, const char *szNewUsername, const char *szNewHostname, const int iNewPort)
 Simple utility function to update a URL.
SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUtilUrlGetUrlParam (const char *szUrl, const char *szParamName, size_t nParamIndex, char *szParamValue, size_t nParamValue)
 Get the Nth named url parameter from the designated url.


 Represents a null instance handle.
 Represents a null line handle.
 Represents a null call handle.
 Represents a null conference handle.
 Represents a null publisher handle.
 Represents a null transport handle.

Define Documentation

#define CODEC_DTMF_RFC2833   "128"

ID for RFC2833 DMTF (out of band DTMF codec).

#define CODEC_G711_PCMA   "257"

ID for PCMA vocodec.

#define CODEC_G711_PCMU   "258"

ID for PCMU vocodec.


Max number of conference participants.


Bind to the first physical interface discovered.


Default number of max sim.


#define DEFAULT_IDENTITY   "sipx"

sipx<IP>:UDP_PORT used as identify if lines are not defined.

This define only controls the userid portion of the SIP url.


Starting RTP port for RTP port range.

The user agent will use ports ranging from the start port to the start port + (default connections * 2).

#define DEFAULT_STUN_PORT   3478

Default stun server port.

#define DEFAULT_TCP_PORT   5060

Default TCP port.

#define DEFAULT_TLS_PORT   5061

Default TLS port.

#define DEFAULT_UDP_PORT   5060

Default UDP port.

#define GAIN_DEFAULT   70

Nominal gain value.

#define GAIN_MAX   100

Max acceptable gain value.

#define GAIN_MIN   0

Min acceptable gain value.

This gain will mute mic.

#define MAX_AUDIO_DEVICES   16

Max number of input/output audio devices.


maximum password length PKI operations

#define MAX_PKCS12_KEY_LENGTH   4096

pkcs12 key length

#define MAX_SMIME_KEY_LENGTH   2048

s/mime key length

#define MAX_SRTP_KEY_LENGTH   31

srtp key length


Max length of video capture device string.


Max number of video capture devices.


The SIPX_CALLING_CONVENTION define controls the default calling convention.

define "SIPX_USE_STDCALL" to use the __stdcall calling convention under MSVC.


Max length of an adapter name.

#define SIPX_MAX_CALLS   64

Maximum number of simultaneous calls.


Maximum number of IP addresses on the host.

#define SIPX_PORT_AUTO   -2

Special value that instructs sipXtapi to automatically select an open port for signaling or audio when passed to sipXinitialize.

#define SIPX_PORT_DISABLE   -1

Special value that disables the transport type (e.g.

UDP, TCP, or TLS) when passed to sipXinitialize

#define SIPXTAPI_API   extern "C"

Assume extern "C" for non-win32 platforms.

#define SIPXTAPI_BUILD_WORD   2,9,1,0

Default build word -- automatically filled in during release process.

#define SIPXTAPI_BUILDDATE   "0000-00-00"

Default build date -- automatically filled in during release process.


Default build number -- automatically filled in during release process.


Maximum length for codec name.


Maximum length for codec name.


Default full version number -- automatically filled in during release process.

#define SIPXTAPI_VERSION   "2.9.1"

sipXtapi API version -- automatically filled in during release process

#define SIPXTAPI_VERSION_STRING   "sipXtapi SDK %s.%s %s (built %s)"

Version string format string.

#define VOLUME_DEFAULT   70

Nominal volume value.

#define VOLUME_MAX   100

Max acceptable volume value.

#define VOLUME_MIN   1

Min acceptable volume value.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(*) fnMicAudioHook(const int nSamples, short *pSamples)

Typedef for audio source (microphone) hook procedure.

This typedef coupled with the sipxConfigSetMicAudioHook API allows developers to view, modify or substitute microphone data.

nSamples number of 16 bit unsigned PCM samples
pSamples pointer to array of samples.

typedef void(*) fnSpkrAudioHook(const int nSamples, short *pSamples)

Typedef for audio target(speaker) hook procedure.

This typedef coupled with the sipxConfigSetSpkrAudioHook API allows developers to intercept and modify audio headed for the speaker.

nSamples number of 16 bit unsigned samples
pSamples pointer to array of samples

typedef unsigned int SIPX_CALL

The SIPX_CALL handle represents a call or connection between the user agent and another party.

All call operations require the call handle as a parameter.

typedef unsigned int SIPX_CONF

The SIPX_CONF handle represents a collection of CALLs that have bridge (mixed) audio.

Application developers can manipulate each leg of the conference through various conference functions.

typedef int SIPX_CONTACT_ID

Type for storing Contact Record identifiers.

See also:

typedef unsigned int SIPX_INFO

The SIPX_INFO handle represents a handle to an INFO message sent by a sipXtapi instance.

INFO messages are useful for communicating information between user agents within a logical call. The SIPX_INFO handle is returned when sending an INFO message via sipxCallSendInfo(...). The handle is references as part of the EVENT_CATEGORY_INFO_STATUS event callback/observer. sipXtapi will automatically deallocate this handle immediately after the status call back.

typedef void* SIPX_INST

The SIPX_INST handle represents an instance of a user agent.

A user agent includes a SIP stack and media processing framework. sipXtapi does support multiple instances of user agents in the same process space, however, certain media processing features become limited or ambiguous. For example, only one user agent should control the local system's input and output audio devices.

typedef unsigned int SIPX_LINE

The SIPX_LINE handle represents an inbound or outbound identity.

When placing outbound the application programmer must define the outbound line. When receiving inbound calls, the application can query the line.

typedef unsigned int SIPX_PUB

The SIPX_PUB handle represent a publisher context.

Publisher are used to publish application-data to interested parties (Subscribers). This maps directly to the SIP SUBSCRIBE, and NOTIFY methods. The handle is used to mange the life cycle of the publisher.

SIPX_PUB handles are created by using sipxCreatePublisher. SIPX_PUB handles should be torn down using sipxDestroyPublisher.

typedef unsigned int SIPX_SUB

A SIPX_SUB handle represent a subscription to a remote publisher.

This maps directly to the SIP SUBSCRIBE, and NOTIFY methods. The handle is used to mange the life cycle of the subscription.

SIPX_SUB handles are created by using the sipxCallSubscribe function. SIPX_SUB handles should be destroyed using the sipxCallUnsubscribe function.

typedef unsigned int SIPX_TRANSPORT

The SIPX_TRANSPORT handle represents a user-implementation of a network transport mechanism to be used for SIP signalling.

typedef bool(SIPX_CALLING_CONVENTION *) SIPX_TRANSPORT_WRITE_PROC(SIPX_TRANSPORT hTransport, const char *szDestinationIp, const int iDestPort, const char *szLocalIp, const int iLocalPort, const void *pData, const size_t nData, const void *pUserData)

External Transport callback definition.

SIPxua will invoke this callback when there is data to write to the external transport layer. A function pointer with this signature is passed into the sipxConfigExternalTransportAdd function.

hTransport Handle to the external transport object. Will match a transport handle obtained via a call to sipxConfigExternalTransportAdd
szDestinationIp IP address which is the destination for the write.
iDestPort Port value to which the data will be sent.
szLocalIp IP address which is the source address for the write.
iLocalPort Port value from which the data will be sent.
pData Pointer to the data to be sent.
nData Size of the data to be sent.

typedef void* SIPX_WINDOW_HANDLE

Type for storing a "window object handle" - in Windows, the application should cast their HWND to a SIPX_WINDOW_HANDLE.

typedef void(*) sipxLogCallback(const char *szPriority, const char *szSource, const char *szMsg)

Signature for a log callback function that gets passed three strings, first string is the priority level, second string is the source id of the subsystem that generated the message, and the third string is the message itself.


Left for backwards compatibility -- please use SIPX_TONE_ID.

Enumeration Type Documentation


SIPX_AEC_MODE defines different AEC modes.


NOTE: This functionally is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with VoiceEngine from Global IP Sound.

SIPX_AEC_DISABLED  Disabled AEC; do not attempt to cancel or suppress echo.
SIPX_AEC_SUPPRESS  Echo suppression; attempt to suppress echo by effectively forcing a half-duplex audio channel.

If you are speaking, the speaker will be silenced to avoid echo. Echo cancellation is consider a better approach/experience, however, requires more CPU consumption.

SIPX_AEC_CANCEL  Full echo cancellation; attempt to cancel echo between the the speaker and microphone.

Depending on the quality of your speaker/microphone, this may result in some suppression. For example, if either the speaker or microphone distorts the signal (making it non-linear), it is becomes increasingly difficult to cancel. This is consider a full-duplex solution.

SIPX_AEC_CANCEL_AUTO  Full echo cancellation; attempt to cancel echo between the the speaker and microphone; however, automatically disable echo cancellation if it appears not needed.


Codec bandwidth ids are used to select a group of codecs with equal or lower bandwidth requirements.

Bandwidth requirements for supported codecs:

 High:     IPCMWB  ~ 80 kbps
 Normal:   G711U   64 kpbs
           G711A   64 kbps, 20 ms frame size
           PCMU    64 kbps
           PCMA    64 kbps
 Low:      iLBC    13.33 kbps, 30 ms frame size and
                   15.2 kbps, 20 ms frame size
           GSM     13 kbps, 20 ms frame size
           G729    8 Kbps, 10ms frame size
 Variable: ISAC    variable bitrate
           SPEEX   variable bitrate
AUDIO_CODEC_BW_VARIABLE  ID for codecs with variable bandwidth requirements.
AUDIO_CODEC_BW_LOW  ID for codecs with low bandwidth requirements.
AUDIO_CODEC_BW_NORMAL  ID for codecs with normal bandwidth requirements.
AUDIO_CODEC_BW_HIGH  ID for codecs with high bandwidth requirements.
AUDIO_CODEC_BW_CUSTOM  Possible return value for sipxConfigGetAudioCodecPreferences.

This ID indicates the available list of codecs was overriden by a sipxConfigSetAudioCodecByName call.

AUDIO_CODEC_BW_DEFAULT  Value used to signify the default bandwidth level when calling sipxCallConnect, sipxCallAccept, or sipxConferenceAdd.


Format definitions for memory resident audio data.

RAW_PCM_16  Signed 16 bit PCM data, mono, 8KHz, no header.


SIPX_CONTACT_TYPE is an enumeration of possible address types for use with SIP contacts and SDP connection information.

Application developers and choose to setup calls with specific contact types (e.g. use my local IP address, a stun-derived IP address, turn-derived IP address, etc). Unless you have complete knowledge and control of your network environment, you should likely use CONTACT_AUTO.

CONTACT_LOCAL  Local address for a particular interface.
CONTACT_NAT_MAPPED  NAT mapped address (e.g.


CONTACT_RELAY  Relay address (e.g.


CONTACT_CONFIG  Manually configured address.
CONTACT_AUTO  Automatic contact selection; used for API parameters.


SIPX_KEEPALIVE_TYPEs define different methods of keeping NAT/firewall port open.

These approaches are used for the signaling path of a call and are generally only needed under specific network configurations.

Examples: - When not using a proxy

The STUN, and SIP_PING and SIP_OPTIONS events may also give you more information about your network NAT mappings. When you add a keepalive, you may get KEEPALIVE_FEEDBACK events with the IP/port that your peer thinks is you. For STUN, this comes from the STUN response, for the SIP keepalives, this comes from the "via" response if the remote supports rport/symmetric signaling.

SIPX_KEEPALIVE_CRLF  Send a Carriage Return/Line Feed to other side.
SIPX_KEEPALIVE_STUN  Send a Stun request to the other side.
SIPX_KEEPALIVE_SIP_PING  Send a SIP PING method request to the other side.
SIPX_KEEPALIVE_SIP_OPTIONS  Send a SIP OPTIONS method request to the other side.


Various log levels available for the sipxConfigEnableLog method.

Developers can choose the amount of detail available in the log. Each level includes messages generated at lower levels. For example, LOG_LEVEL_EMERG will limit the log to emergency messsages, while LOG_LEVEL_ERR includes emergency messages, alert messages, critical messages, and errors. LOG_LEVEL_ERR is probably best for general runtime situations. LOG_LEVEL_INFO or LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG is best for diagnosing problems.

LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG  debug-level messages
LOG_LEVEL_INFO  informational messages
LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE  normal, but significant, conditions
LOG_LEVEL_WARNING  warning conditions
LOG_LEVEL_ERR  error conditions
LOG_LEVEL_CRIT  critical conditions
LOG_LEVEL_ALERT  action must be taken immediately
LOG_LEVEL_EMERG  system is unusable
LOG_LEVEL_NONE  disable logging


SIPX_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE defines the various noise reduction options.

Options include, DISABLED, LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. When selecting a noise reduction level, you are trading off reducing back ground noise with the possibility of suppressing speech. We recommend selecting the LOW level.

NOTE: This functionally is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with VoiceEngine from Global IP Sound.

SIPX_NOISE_REDUCTION_DISABLED  Disable NR; Do not attempt to reduce background noise.
SIPX_NOISE_REDUCTION_LOW  Enable NR with least amount of aggressiveness.

SIPX_NOISE_REDUCTION_MEDIUM  Enable NR with modest amount of aggressiveness.

SIPX_NOISE_REDUCTION_HIGH  Enable NR with highest amount of aggressiveness.


SIPX_RESULT is an enumeration with all the possible result/return codes.

SIPX_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED  Method/API not implemented.
SIPX_RESULT_OUT_OF_MEMORY  Unable to allocate enough memory to perform operation.
SIPX_RESULT_INVALID_ARGS  Invalid arguments; bad handle, argument out of range, etc.

SIPX_RESULT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of resources (hit some max limit).
SIPX_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER  Buffer too short for this operation.
SIPX_RESULT_EVAL_TIMEOUT  The evaluation version of this product has expired.
SIPX_RESULT_BUSY  The operation failed because the system was busy.
SIPX_RESULT_INVALID_STATE  The operation failed because the object was in the wrong state.

For example, attempting to split a call from a conference before that call is connected.

SIPX_RESULT_MISSING_RUNTIME_FILES  The operation failed because required runtime dependencies are missing.

SIPX_RESULT_TLS_DATABASE_FAILURE  The operation failed because the certificate database did not initialize.

SIPX_RESULT_TLS_BAD_PASSWORD  The operation failed because the certificate database did not accept the password.

SIPX_RESULT_TLS_TCP_IMPORT_FAILURE  The operation failed because a TCP socket could not be imported by the SSL/TLS module.

SIPX_RESULT_NSS_FAILURE  The operation failed due to an NSS failure.

SIPX_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED  The operation is not supported in this build/configuration.
SIPX_RESULT_NETWORK_FAILURE  The network is down or failing.


Possible roles that a Media connection can have.

TCP is currently defined, but not fully implemented. Use at your own risk.


Enumeration of the possible levels of SRTP.


DTMF/other tone ids used with sipxCallStartTone/sipxCallStopTone.

ID_DTMF_INVALID  Invalid/Uninitialized DMTF Id.
ID_TONE_DIALTONE  Dialtone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_BUSY  Call-busy tone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_RINGBACK  Remote party is ringing feedback tone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_RINGTONE  Default ring/alert tone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_CALLFAILED  Fasy Busy / call failed tone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_SILENCE  Silence (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_BACKSPACE  Backspace tone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_CALLWAITING  Call waiting alert tone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_CALLHELD  Call held feedback tone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).
ID_TONE_LOUD_FAST_BUSY  Off hook / fast busy tone (Not supported with GIPS VoiceEngine).


SIPX_TRANSPORT_TYPE defines various protocols use for signaling transport.

The SIPX_TRANSPORT_TYPE is return in contact addresses.

TRANSPORT_UDP  Indicator for a UDP socket type.

TRANSPORT_TCP  Indicator for a TCP socket type.

TRANSPORT_TLS  Indicator for a TLS socket type.

TRANSPORT_CUSTOM  Indicator for a custom external transport.


Video Codec bandwidth ids are used to select a group of codecs with equal or lower bandwidth requirements.

The codec name is a combination of the actual codec name and the video resolution.

Supported codecs are:

VP71, IYUV, I420, and RGB24

Supported resolutions are

CIF (352x288), QCIF (176x144), SQCIF (128x96), and QVGA (320x240)

A VP71 codec in QCIF resolution would be named VP71-QCIF.

VIDEO_CODEC_BW_VARIABLE  ID for codecs with variable bandwidth requirements.
VIDEO_CODEC_BW_LOW  ID for codecs with low bandwidth requirements.
VIDEO_CODEC_BW_NORMAL  ID for codecs with normal bandwidth requirements.
VIDEO_CODEC_BW_HIGH  ID for codecs with high bandwidth requirements.
VIDEO_CODEC_BW_CUSTOM  Possible return value for sipxConfigGetVideoCodecPreferences.

This ID indicates the available list of codecs was overriden by a sipxConfigSetVideoCodecByName call.

VIDEO_CODEC_BW_DEFAULT  Value used to signify the default bandwidth level when calling sipxCallLimitCodecPreferences.


Enum for specifying the type of display object to be used for displaying video.

SIPX_WINDOW_HANDLE_TYPE  A handle to the window for the remote video display.
DIRECT_SHOW_FILTER  A DirectShow render filter object for handling the remote video display.


Enumeration of possible video sizes.



Video Codec quality definitions.

Quality is used as a trade off between between CPU usage and the amount of bandwidth used.

VIDEO_QUALITY_LOW  Low quality video.
VIDEO_QUALITY_NORMAL  Normal quality video.
VIDEO_QUALITY_HIGH  High quality video.


Speaker output types are used to differentiate between the logical ringer (used to alert user of in inbound call) and speaker (in call audio device).

SPEAKER  Speaker / in call device.
RINGER  Ringer / alerting device.

Function Documentation

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioEnableSpeaker ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const SPEAKER_TYPE  type 

Enables one of the speaker outputs.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
type The type of the speaker either the logical ringer (used to alert user of in inbound call) or speaker (in call audio device).


Get the mode of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC).

Note: This API is only supported when bundled with GIPS VoiceEngine.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
mode AEC mode.

bool &  bEnabled 

Get the enable/disable state of Automatic Gain Control (AGC).

Note: This API is only supported when bundled with GIPS VoiceEngine.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
bEnabled true if AGC is enabled; otherwise false.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetEnabledSpeaker ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Gets the enabled speaker selection.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
type The type of the speaker either the logical ringer (used to alert user of in inbound call) or speaker (in call audio device).

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetGain ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
int &  iLevel 

Get the current microphone gain.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
iLevel The level of the gain of the microphone

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetInputDevice ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  index,
const char *&  szDevice 

Get the name/identifier for input device at position index.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
index Zero based index of the input device to be queried.
szDevice Reference an character string pointer to receive the device name.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetNoiseReductionMode ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Get the mode/policy for Noise Reduction (NR).

Note: This API is only supported when bundled with GIPS VoiceEngine.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
mode noise reduction mode.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetNumInputDevices ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
size_t &  numDevices 

Get the number of input devices available on this system.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
numDevices The number of input devices available on this system.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetNumOutputDevices ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
size_t &  numDevices 

Get the number of output devices available on this system.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
numDevices The number of output devices available on this system.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetOutputDevice ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  index,
const char *&  szDevice 

Get the name/identifier for output device at position index.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
index Zero based index of the output device to be queried.
szDevice Reference an character string pointer to receive the device name.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioGetVolume ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const SPEAKER_TYPE  type,
int &  iLevel 

Gets the audio level for the designated speaker type.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
type The type of the speaker either the logical ringer (used to alert user of in inbound call) or speaker (in call audio device).
iLevel The level of the gain of the microphone

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioIsMuted ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
bool &  bMuted 

Gets the mute state of the microphone.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
bMuted True if the microphone has been muted and false if it is not mute

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioMute ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const bool  bMute 

Mute or unmute the microphone.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
bMute True if the microphone is to be muted and false if it is not to be muted

const SIPX_AEC_MODE  mode 

Enables or disables Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC).

By default, sipXtapi assumes SIPX_AEC_CANCEL_AUTO. Change this parameter will modify the policy for both existing and new calls.

Note: This API is only supported when bundled with VoiceEngine from Global IP Sound.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
mode AEC mode.
See also:

const bool  bEnable 

Enable/Disable Automatic Gain Control (AGC).

By default, AGC is disabled.

Note: This API is only supported when bundled with GIPS VoiceEngine.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
bEnable true to enable AGC or false to disable

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetCallInputDevice ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szDevice 

Set the call input device (in-call microphone).

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
szDevice Character string pointer to be set to a string name of the output device.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetCallOutputDevice ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szDevice 

Set the call output device (in-call speaker).

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
szDevice The call output device.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetGain ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  iLevel 

Set the local microphone gain.

If the microphone is muted, resetting the gain will not enable audio -- you must unmute the microphone.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
iLevel The level of the local microphone gain

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetNoiseReductionMode ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Set the noise reduction mode/policy for suppressing background noise.

By default sipXtapi assumes SIPX_NOISE_REDUCTION_LOW. Change this parameter will modify the policy for both existing and new calls.

Note: This API is only supported when bundled with VoiceEngine from Global IP Sound.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
mode noise reduction mode.
See also:

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetRingerOutputDevice ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szDevice 

Set the call ringer/alerting device.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
szDevice The call ringer/alerting device.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxAudioSetVolume ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const SPEAKER_TYPE  type,
const int  iLevel 

Sets the audio level for the designated speaker type.

If the speaker type is enabled, the change it audio will be heard instantly.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
type The type of the speaker either the logical ringer (used to alert user of in inbound call) or speaker (in call audio device).
iLevel The level of the gain of the microphone

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAccept ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
SIPX_VIDEO_DISPLAY *const   pDisplay = NULL,

Accepts an inbound call and proceed immediately to alerting.

This method is invoked in response to a NEWCALL event. Whenever a new call is received, the application developer should ACCEPT (proceed to ringing), REJECT (send back busy), or REDIRECT the call.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
pDisplay Pointer to an object describing the display object for rendering remote video.
pSecurity Pointer to an object describing the security attributes for the call.
options Pointer to a SIPX_CALL_OPTIONS structure.
See also:


SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAnswer ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
bool  bTakeFocus = true 

Answer an alerting call.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
bTakeFocus Should SIPxua place the newly answered call in focus (engage local microphone and speaker). In some cases, application developer may want to answer the call in the background and play audio while the user finishes up with their active (in focus) call.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAudioPlayFileStart ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const char *  szFile,
const bool  bRepeat,
const bool  bLocal,
const bool  bRemote,
const bool  bMixWithMicrophone = false,
const float  fVolumeScaling = 1.0 

Play the designated file.

The file may be a raw 16 bit signed PCM at 8000 samples/sec, mono, little endian or a .WAV file. If a sipxCallDestroy is attempted while an audio file is playing, sipxCallDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code. Call sipxCallAudioPlayFileStop before making the call to sipxCallDestroy.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface. Audio files can only be played in the context of a call.
szFile Filename for the audio file to be played.
bRepeat True if the file is supposed to be played repeatedly
bLocal True if the audio file is to be rendered locally.
bRemote True if the audio file is to be rendered by the remote endpoint.
bMixWithMicrophone True to mix the audio with the microphone data or false to replace it. This option is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with GIPS VoiceEngine.
fVolumeScaling Volume down scaling for the audio file. Valid values are between 0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is the no down-scaling. This option is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with GIPS VoiceEngine.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAudioPlayFileStop ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall  ) 

Stop playing a file started with sipxCallPlayFileStart If a sipxCallDestroy is attempted while an audio file is playing, sipxCallDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code.

Call sipxCallAudioPlayFileStop before making the call to sipxCallDestroy.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface. Audio files can only be played and stopped in the context of a call.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAudioRecordFileStart ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const char *  szFile 

Record a call session (including other parties if this is a multi-party call / conference) to a file.

The resulting file will be a .WAV file with L16 encoding (16000 samples/per second).

This API is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with VoiceEngine from GIPS.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface. Audio files can only be played and stopped in the context of a call.
szFile Filename for the resulting audio file.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallAudioRecordFileStop ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall  ) 

Stop recording a call to file.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface. Audio files can only be played and stopped in the context of a call.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallBlindTransfer ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const char *  szAddress 

Blind transfer the specified call to another party.

Monitor the TRANSFER state events for details on the transfer attempt. If the call is not already on hold, the party will be placed on hold.

Assuming that all parties are using sipXtapi, all of the calls are active (not held), and the transfer works, you should expect the following event sequence:

Transferee (party being transfered):

The transferee's original call will be placed on remote hold from the transfer controller and will then put itself on full hold before starting the transfer. The transfer is implemented as a new call -- this allows the developer to reclaim the original call if the transfer fails. The NEWCALL event will include a cause for of CALLSTATE_CAUSE_TRANSFER and the hAssociatedCall member of the SIPX_CALLSTATE_INFO structure will include the handle of the original call.

 Original Call: MEDIA_LOCAL_STOP
 Original Call: CALLSTATE_HELD


After the transfer completes, the application developer must destroy the original call using sipxCallDestroy. If the new call fails for any reason, the application layer should resume the original call by taking it off hold.

Transfer Controller (this user agent):

The transfer controller will automatically take the call out of focus and place it on hold. Afterwards, the transfer controller will receive CALLSTATE_TRANSFER_EVENTs indicating the status of the transfer.


Upon success, the call will automatically be disconnected, however, the application layer needs to call sipXcallDestroy to free the handle and call processing resources.

Transfer Target (identified by szAddress):

The transferee will go through the normal event progression for an incoming call:


If the transfer target rejects the call or fails to answer, the transfer will fail.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szAddress SIP url identifing the transfer target (who the call identified by hCall will be transfered to).
See also:


SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallConnect ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const char *  szAddress,
SIPX_CONTACT_ID  contactId = 0,
SIPX_VIDEO_DISPLAY *const   pDisplay = NULL,
bool  bTakeFocus = true,
const char *  szCallId = NULL 

Connects an idle call to the designated target address.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szAddress SIP url of the target party
contactId Id of the desired contact record to use for this call. The id refers to a Contact Record obtained by a call to sipxConfigGetLocalContacts. The application can choose a contact record of type LOCAL, NAT_MAPPED, CONFIG, or RELAY. The Contact Type allows you to control whether the user agent and media processing advertises the local address (e.g. LOCAL contact of 10.1.1.x or 192.168.x.x), the NAT-derived address to the target party, or, local contact addresses of other types. The Contact Record's eTransportType field indicates the type of network transport to be used for call signalling. this can be UPD, TCP, or TLS. If the eTransportType field value is greater than 3, this indicates that a custom EXTERNAL TRANSPORT mechanism is to be used, and the value of the eTransportType field indicates the SIPX_TRANSPORT handle associated with the EXTERNAL TRANSPORT.
pDisplay Pointer to an object describing the display object for rendering remote video.
pSecurity Pointer to an object describing the security attributes for the call.
bTakeFocus Should SIPxua place the this call in focus (engage local microphone and speaker). In some cases, application developer may want to place the call in the background and play audio while the user finishes up with their active (in focus) call.
options Pointer to a SIPX_CALL_OPTIONS structure.
szCallId A call-id for the session, if NULL, one is generated.
See also:


SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallCreate ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const SIPX_LINE  hLine,

Create a new call for the purpose of creating an outbound connection/call.

As a side effect, a DIALTONE event is fired to simulate the PSTN world. Generally an application would simulate dialtone in reaction to that event.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
hLine Line Identity for the outbound call. The line identity helps defines the "From" caller-id.
phCall Pointer to a call handle. Upon success, this value is replaced with a valid call handle. Success is determined by the SIPX_RESULT result code.


Drop/Destroy the specified call.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetAudioRtcpStats ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,

Obtain RTCP stats for the specified call.

This API is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with VoiceEngine from GIPS.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
pStats Structure to place call stats, the structure's cbSize member must be filled out prior to calling this API. For example: myStats.cbSize = sizeof(SIPX_RTCP_STATS);

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetAudioRtpSourceIds ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
unsigned int &  iSendSSRC,
unsigned int &  iReceiveSSRC 

Gets the sending and receiving Audio RTP SSRC IDs.

The SSRC ID is used to identify the RTP/audio stream. The call must be in the connected state for this request to succeed.

This API is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with VoiceEngine from GIPS.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
iSendSSRC The RTP SSRC used when sending audio
iReceiveSSRC The RTP SSRC used by the remote party to sending audio

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetConference ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,

Get the conference handle for the specified call.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
hConf Conference handle for this call (if the call is part of a conference)

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetConnectionId ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
int &  connectionId 

Gets the media interface connectionid.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
connectionId Reference to the returned connection identifier.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetContactID ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
char *  szId,
const size_t  iMaxLength 

Get the SIP identity of the contact connection.

The identity represents the originator of the message.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szId Buffer to store the ID. A zero-terminated string will be copied into this buffer on success.
iMaxLength Max length of the ID buffer.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetEnergyLevels ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
int &  iInputEnergyLevel,
int &  iOutputEnergyLevel,
const size_t  nMaxContributors,
unsigned int  CCSRCs[],
int  iEnergyLevels[],
size_t &  nActualContributors 

Gets energy levels for a call.

The call must be in the connected state for this request to succeed.

This API is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with VoiceEngine from GIPS.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
iInputEnergyLevel Input/Microphone energy level ranging from 0 to 9.
iOutputEnergyLevel Output/Speaker energy level ranging from 0 to 9. The output energy level is pre-mixed (before mixing any files/tones or other parties). sipxConferenceGetEnergyLevels provides an API to obtain post-mixed energy levels.
nMaxContributors Max number of contributors/energy levels. Contributors are derived by looking at the contributing RTP source IDs from the RTP stream.
CCSRCs Array of contributing source ids. This array will be filled in up to a max of nMaxContributors. See nActualContributors for the actual number of elements returned.
iEnergyLevels Energy level for each contributing source id ranging from 0 to 9. This array in up to a max of nMaxContributors. See nActualContributors for the actual number of elements returned.
nActualContributors The actual number of contributing source ids and energy levels returned.

char *  szId,
const size_t  iMaxLength 

Get the SIP call ID of the call represented by the specified call handle.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szId Buffer to store the ID. A zero-terminated string will be copied into this buffer on success.
iMaxLength Max length of the ID buffer

char *  szId,
const size_t  iMaxLength 

Get the SIP identity of the local connection.

The identity represents either 1) who was called in the case of a inbound call, or 2) the line identity used in an outbound call.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szId Buffer to store the ID. A zero-terminated string will be copied into this buffer on success.
iMaxLength Max length of the ID buffer.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetRemoteContact ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
char *  szContact,
const size_t  iMaxLength 

Get the SIP remote contact.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szContact Buffer to store the remote contact. A zero-terminated string will be copied into this buffer on success.
iMaxLength Max length of the remote contact buffer.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetRemoteID ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
char *  szId,
const size_t  iMaxLength 

Get the SIP identity of the remote connection.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szId Buffer to store the ID. A zero-terminated string will be copied into this buffer on success.
iMaxLength Max length of the ID buffer.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetRemoteUserAgent ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
char *  szAgent,
const size_t  iMaxLength 

Get the remote user agent of the call represented by the specified call handle.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szAgent Buffer to store the user agent name. A zero-terminated string will be copied into this buffer on success.
iMaxLength Max length of the buffer

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallGetRequestURI ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
char *  szUri,
const size_t  iMaxLength 

Get the SIP request uri.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szUri Buffer to store the request uri. A zero-terminated string will be copied into this buffer on success.
iMaxLength Max length of the request uri buffer.

bool  bStopRemoteAudio = true 

Place the specified call on hold.

When placing calls on hold or having a remote party place you on hold the event sequeneces will differ. In this documentation, we refer to "local" hold and/or "focus" and "remote" and/or "full" hold. A call is on local hold when that call is taken out of focus and is no longer connected to the local microphone and speaker. Remote hold is used to indicate that RTP is no longer flowing between parties. The "bRemoteStopAudio" flags to this method controls whether the party is placed on local hold or full hold. See the table below for expected events:

                   RTP Flowing  RTP Stopped
                   ---------    -----------
       In Focus    CONNECTED    REMOTE_HELD
   Out of Focus     BRIDGED        HELD

CONNECTED indicates that both RTP is flowing and the call is attached to the local. This is the normal state for a connected call.

BRIDGED indicates that RTP is flowing, but the call is out of focus. This event is generally caused by holding a conference (conference will bridge by default) or if you accept/place a new call without explicitly holding the active call.

REMOTE_HELD indicates that RTP has stopped flowing. This is generally caused when the remote side places you on hold. The call is still locally in focus and audio will automatically resume once your are take off remote hold.

HELD indicates that both RTP has stopped flowing and the call is out of focus.

Developers can also expect media events (e.g. MEDIA_LOCAL_STOP) whenever RTP is stopped (REMOTE_HELD and HELD). Since media is still flowing for CONNECTED and BRIDGED, no media stop events are sent.

NOTE: If this call is part of a conference, sipxCallHold will only change the remote held state (RTP). You must use sipxConferenceHold to change call focus.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
bStopRemoteAudio Flag which controls whether sipXtapi takes the call out of focus (stops engaging local audio microphone and speaker) or stops sending/receiving audio. Specify true to stop audio (default) or false to take the call out of focus. To play audio or generate tones to a remote connection while on hold, please specify false. This parameter is ignored (and assumed true) if the call is part of a conference.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallLimitCodecPreferences ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const SIPX_AUDIO_BANDWIDTH_ID  audioBandwidth,
const SIPX_VIDEO_BANDWIDTH_ID  videoBandwidth,
const char *  szVideoCodecName 

Limits the codec preferences on a per-call basis.

This API will force a codec renegotiation with the specified call regardless if the codecs changed. A renegotiation includes sending a new INVITE with an updated SDP list. Local audio will be stopped and restarted during this process, however, hold events are not sent to the application.

NOTE: If a call is on remote hold, it will be taken off remote hold.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
audioBandwidth A bandwidth id to limit audio codecs. Pass in AUDIO_CODEC_BW_DEFAULT to leave audio codecs unchanged.
videoBandwidth A bandwidth id to limit video bitrate and framerate. (see sipxConfigSetVideoBandwidth for an explanation on how bandwidth ids affect bitrate and framerate). Pass in AUDIO_CODEC_BW_DEFAULT to leave these parameters unchanged.
szVideoCodecName Codec name that limits the supported video codecs to this one video codec.
See also:

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallPlayBufferStart ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const char *  szBuffer,
const int  bufSize,
const int  bufType,
const bool  bRepeat,
const bool  bLocal,
const bool  bRemote 

Play the specified audio data.

Currently the only data format that is supported is raw 16 bit signed PCM at 8000 samples/sec, mono, little endian. If a sipxCallDestroy is attempted while an audio buffer is playing, sipxCallDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code. Call sipxCallPlayBufferStop before making the call to sipxCallDestroy.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface. Audio can only be played in the context of a call.
szBuffer Pointer to the audio data to be played.
bufSize Length, in bytes, of the audio data.
bufType The audio encoding format for the data as specified by the SIPX_AUDIO_DATA_FORMAT enumerations. Currently only RAW_PCM_16 is supported.
bRepeat True if the audio is supposed to be played repeatedly
bLocal True if the audio is to be rendered locally.
bRemote True if the audio is to be rendered by the remote endpoint.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallPlayBufferStop ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall  ) 

Stop playing the audio started with sipxCallPlayBufferStart If a sipxCallDestroy is attempted while an audio buffer is playing, sipxCallDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code.

Call sipxCallPlayBufferStop before making the call to sipxCallDestroy.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface. Audio can only be played and stopped in the context of a call.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallRedirect ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const char *  szForwardURL 

Redirect an inbound call (prior to alerting the user).

This method must be invoked before the end user is alerted (before sipxCallAccept). Whenever a new call is received, the application developer should ACCEPT (proceed to ringing), REJECT (send back busy), or REDIRECT the call.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szForwardURL SIP url to forward/redirect the call to.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallReject ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const int  errorCode = 400,
const char *  szErrorText = "Bad Request" 

Reject an inbound call (prior to alerting the user).

This method must be invoked before the end user is alerted (before sipxCallAccept). Whenever a new call is received, the application developer should ACCEPT (proceed to ringing), REJECT (send back busy), or REDIRECT the call.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
errorCode RFC specified error code.
szErrorText null terminated text string to explain the error code.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallResizeWindow ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,

Resizes the video window.

Should be called when the window receives a SIZE message.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
hWnd Window handle of the video window.

const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const char *  szContentType,
const char *  szContent,
const size_t  nContentLength 

Sends an INFO event to the specified call.

This method will fail with an SIPX_RESULT_INVALID_STATE return code if an existing INFO message transaction is still outstanding (sipXtapi has not received a final response to the initial request).

phInfo Pointer to an INFO message handle, whose value is set by this method.
hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
szContentType String representation of the INFO content type
szContent Pointer to the INFO messasge's content
nContentLength Size of the INFO content

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallStartTone ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const SIPX_TONE_ID  toneId,
const bool  bLocal,
const bool  bRemote 

Play a tone (DTMF, dialtone, ring back, etc) to the local and/or remote party.

See the DTMF_ constants for built-in tones. If a sipxCallDestroy is attempted while a tone is playing, sipxCallDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code. Call sipxCallStopTone before making the call to sipxConferenceDestroy.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
toneId ID of the tone to play
bLocal Should the tone be played locally?
bRemote Should the tone be played to the remote party?

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallStopTone ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall  ) 

Stop playing a tone (DTMF, dialtone, ring back, etc).

to local and remote parties. Under a GIPS VoiceEngine build, this method is a NOP -- VoiceEngine only plays tones for a specific time interval. If a sipxCallDestroy is attempted while a tone is playing, sipxCallDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code. Call sipxCallStopTone before making the call to sipxConferenceDestroy.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallSubscribe ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,
const char *  szEventType,
const char *  szAcceptType,
bool  bRemoteContactIsGruu = false 

Subscribe for NOTIFY events which may be published by the other end-point of the call.

This API differs from sipxConfigSubscribe in that it allows you to use the contact address from the remote party as the subscription target (see the bRemoteContactIsGruu parameter).

sipXtapi will automatically refresh subscriptions until sipxCallUnsubscribe is called. Please make sure you call sipxCallUnsubscribe before tearing down your call.

hCall The call handle of the call associated with the subscription.
szEventType A string representing the type of event that can be published. This string is used to populate the "Event" header in the SIP SUBSCRIBE request. For example, if checking voicemail status, your would use "message-summary".
szAcceptType A string representing the types of NOTIFY events that this client will accept. This string is used to populate the "Accept" header in the SIP SUBSCRIBE request. For example, if checking voicemail status, you would use "application/simple-message-summary"
phSub Pointer to a subscription handle whose value is set by this funtion. This handle allows you to cancel the subscription and differeniate between NOTIFY events.
bRemoteContactIsGruu indicates whether the Contact for the remote side of the call can be assumed to be a Globally Routable Unique URI (GRUU). Normally one cannot assume that a contact is a GRUU and the To or From address for the remote side is assumed to be an Address Of Record (AOR) that is globally routable.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallTransfer ( const SIPX_CALL  hSourceCall,
const SIPX_CALL  hTargetCall 

Transfer the source call to the target call.

This method can be used to implement consultative transfer (transfer initiator can speak with the transfer target prior to transferring). If you wish to consult privately, create a new call to the transfer target. If you wish consult and allow the source (transferee) to participant in the converstation, create a conference and then transfer one leg to another.

If not already on hold, the transferee (hSourceCall) is placed on hold as part of the transfer operation.

The event sequence may differ slightly depending on whether the calls are part of a conference (attended transfer) or individual calls (semi- attended transfer).

Assuming the calls are part of a conference and not on hold, the event sequences are as follows:

Transfer Controller (this user agent):


The source call will automatically be disconnected if the transfer is successful. Also, if the source call is part of a conference, the call will automatically be destroyed. If not part of a conference, the application must destroy the call using sipxCallDestroy.


The target call is remote held as part of the transfer operation. If the target call is part of a conference, it will automatically be destroyed. Otherwise, the application layer is responsible for calling sipxCallDestroy.

Transferee (user agent on other side of hSourceCall):

The transferee will create a new call to the transfer target and automatically disconnect the original call upon success. The new call will be created with a cause of CALLSTATE_CAUSE_TRANSFER in the SIPX_CALLSTATE_INFO event data. The application layer can look at the hAssociatedCall member to connect the new call to the original call.

 Original Call: MEDIA_LOCAL_STOP
 Original Call: CALLSTATE_HELD


The application is responsible for calling sipxCallDestroy on the original call after the CALLSTATE_DISCONNECT event.

Transfer Target (user agent on other side of hTargetCall):

The transfer target will automatically receive and answer the inbound call from the transferee. After this completes, the original call is disconnected.


Please note that no offering event was fired. The target does not have the option to accept or reject the call. If this call was part of a conference, the new call is automatically added to the same conference.

hSourceCall Handle to the source call (transferee).
hTargetCall Handle to the target call (transfer target).
See also:


SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallUnhold ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall  ) 

Take the specified call off hold.

This API will take the call off both local hold and remote/full hold.

See also:
sipxCallHold for a description of expected events associated with hold events.
hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallUnsubscribe ( const SIPX_SUB  hSub  ) 

Unsubscribe from previously subscribed NOTIFY events.

This method will send another subscription request with an expires time of 0 (zero) to end your subscription.

hSub The subscription handle obtained from the call to sipxCallSubscribe.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxCallUpdateVideoWindow ( const SIPX_CALL  hCall,

Updates the Video window with a new frame buffer.

Should be called when the window receives a PAINT message.

hCall Handle to a call. Call handles are obtained either by invoking sipxCallCreate or passed to your application through a listener interface.
hWnd Window handle of the video preview window.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceAdd ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
const SIPX_LINE  hLine,
const char *  szAddress,
SIPX_CALL phNewCall,
SIPX_CONTACT_ID  contactId = 0,
SIPX_VIDEO_DISPLAY *const   pDisplay = NULL,
bool  bTakeFocus = true,

Add a new party to an existing conference.

A connection is automatically initiated for the specified address.

hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.
hLine Line Identity for the outbound call. The line identity helps defines the "From" caller-id.
szAddress SIP url of the conference partipant to add
phNewCall Pointer to a call handle to store new call.
contactId Id of the desired contact record to use for this call. The id refers to a Contact Record obtained by a call to sipxConfigGetLocalContacts. The application can choose a contact record of type LOCAL, NAT_MAPPED, CONFIG, or RELAY. The Contact Type allows you to control whether the user agent and media processing advertises the local address (e.g. LOCAL contact of 10.1.1.x or 192.168.x.x), the NAT-derived address to the target party, or, local contact addresses of other types.
pDisplay Pointer to an object describing the display object for rendering remote video.
pSecurity Pointer to an object describing the security attributes for the call.
bTakeFocus Should SIPxua place the newly answered call in focus (engage local microphone and speaker). In some cases, application developer may want to answer the call in the background and play audio while the user finishes up with their active (in focus) call.
options Pointer to a SIPX_CALL_OPTIONS structure.
See also:




SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceCreate ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
SIPX_CONF phConference 

Create a conference handle.

Conferences are an association of calls where the audio media is mixed. sipXtapi supports conferences up to 4 (CONF_MAX_CONNECTIONS) parties in its default configuration.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
phConference Pointer to a conference handle. Upon success, this value is replaced with a valid conference handle. Success is determined by the SIPX_RESULT result code.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceDestroy ( SIPX_CONF  hConf  ) 

Destroys a conference.

All participants within a conference are dropped.

hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceGetCalls ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
SIPX_CALL  calls[],
const size_t  iMax,
size_t &  nActual 

Gets all of the calls participating in a conference.

hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.
calls An array of call handles filled in by the API.
iMax The maximum number of call handles to return.
nActual The actual number of call handles returned.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceGetEnergyLevels ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
int &  iInputEnergyLevel,
int &  iOutputEnergyLevel 

Gets energy levels for a conference.

The conference must be in the connected state (not held or bridged) for this request to succeed.

This API is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with VoiceEngine from GIPS.

hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.
iInputEnergyLevel Input/Microphone energy level ranging from 0 to 9.
iOutputEnergyLevel Output/Speaker energy level ranging from 0 to 9. The output energy level is post-mixed (after mixing all files/tones and other parties. sipxCallGetEnergyLevel provides an API to obtain pre-mixed energy levels.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceHold ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
bool  bBridging = true 

Places a conference on hold.

This API can be used to place a conference on local hold (continue to bridge participants) or full hold (remaining participants cannot talk to each other). The default is local hold/bridged. The bBridged flag can be used to change this behavior (false for full hold).

Developers may also hold/unhold individual conference participants by calling sipxCallHold and sipxCallUnhold on individual call handles. The sipxConferenceGetCalls API can be used to enumerate conference participants.

See also:
sipxCallHold for a description of the expected events.
hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.
bBridging true for a bridging conference hold, false for a non-bridging conference hold.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceJoin ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
const SIPX_CALL  hCall 

Join (add) an existing held call into a conference.

An existing call can be added to a virgin conference without restriction. Additional calls, must be connected and on remote hold for this operation to succeed. A remote hold can be accomplished by calling sipxCallHold on the joining party. The application layer must wait for the CALLSTATE_CONNECTION_INACTIVE event prior to calling join. No events are fired as part of the operation and the newly joined call is left on hold. The application layer should call sipxCallUnhold on the new participant to finalize the join.

hConf Conference handle obtained by calling sipxConferenceCreate.
hCall Call handle of the call to join into the conference.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceLimitCodecPreferences ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
const SIPX_AUDIO_BANDWIDTH_ID  audioBandwidth,
const SIPX_VIDEO_BANDWIDTH_ID  videoBandwidth,
const char *  szVideoCodecName 

Limits the codec preferences on a conference.

This API will force a codec renegotiation with the specified calls regardless if the codecs changed. A renegotiation includes sending a new INVITE with an updated SDP list. Local audio will be stopped and restarted during this process, however, hold events are not sent to the application.

NOTE: If any calls are on remote hold, they will be taken off hold.

hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.
audioBandwidth A bandwidth id to limit audio codecs. Pass in AUDIO_CODEC_BW_DEFAULT to leave audio codecs unchanged.
videoBandwidth A bandwidth id to limit video bitrate and framerate. (see sipxConfigSetVideoBandwidth for an explanation on how bandwidth ids affect bitrate and framerate). Pass in AUDIO_CODEC_BW_DEFAULT to leave these parameters unchanged.
szVideoCodecName Codec name that limits the supported video codecs to this one video codec.
See also:

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferencePlayAudioFileStart ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
const char *  szFile,
const bool  bRepeat,
const bool  bLocal,
const bool  bRemote,
const bool  bMixWithMicrophone = false,
const float  fVolumeScaling = 1.0 

Play the designated audio file to all conference partipants and/or the local speaker.

The file may be a raw 16 bit signed PCM at 8000 samples/sec, mono, little endian or a .WAV file. If a sipxConferenceDestroy is attempted while an audio file is playing, sipxConferenceDestroy will fail with a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code. Call sipxConferencePlayAudioFileStop before making the call to sipxConferenceDestroy.

hConf Conference handle obtained by calling sipxConferenceCreate.
szFile Filename for the audio file to be played.
bRepeat True if the file is supposed to be played repeatedly
bLocal True if the audio file is to be rendered locally.
bRemote True if the audio file is to be rendered by the remote endpoint.
bMixWithMicrophone True to mix the audio with the microphone data or false to replace it. This option is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with GIPS VoiceEngine.
fVolumeScaling Volume down scaling for the audio file. Valid values are between 0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is the no down-scaling. This option is only supported when sipXtapi is bundled with GIPS VoiceEngine.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceRemove ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
const SIPX_CALL  hCall 

Removes a participant from conference by hanging up on them.

hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.
hCall Call handle identifying which call to remove from the conference by hanging up.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceSplit ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf,
const SIPX_CALL  hCall 

Split (remove) a held call from a conference.

This method will remove the specified call from the conference.

The call must be connected and on remote hold for this operation to succeed. A remote hold can be accomplished by calling sipxCallHold on the conference participant or by placing the entire conference on hold with bridging disabled. The application layer must wait for the CALLSTATE_CONNECTION_INACTIVE event prior to calling split. No events are fired as part of the operation and the split call is left on hold.

hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.
hCall Call handle of the call that should be removed from the the conference.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConferenceUnhold ( const SIPX_CONF  hConf  ) 

Removes conference members from a held state.

This method will take a call off either local or remote/full hold.

See also:
sipxConferenceHold for details on holding conferences.

sipxCallHold for a description of the expected events.

hConf Handle to a conference. Conference handles are obtained by invoking sipxConferenceCreate.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigDisableIce ( const SIPX_INST  hInst  ) 

Disable the use of ICE.

See sipxConfigEnableICE for details.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigDisableStun ( const SIPX_INST  hInst  ) 

Disable the use of STUN.

See sipxConfigEnableStun for details on STUN.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigDisableTurn ( const SIPX_INST  hInst  ) 

Disable the use of TURN.

See sipxConfigEnableTurn for details TURN.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableDnsSrv ( const bool  bEnable  ) 

Enables/disables sending of DNS SRV request for all sipXtapi instances.

DNS SRV is enabled by default.

bEnable Enable or disable DNS SRV resolution.

bool  bEnable 

Enables GIPS tracing in sipXtapi (if bundled with sipXtapi).

Log entries are under the facility "VIDEOENGINE" and "VOICEENGINE" and are Base64 encoded (to avoid issues with binary data.

NOTE: Tracing must be enabled prior to setting up a call.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
bEnable true to enable GIPS tracing or false to disable.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableIce ( const SIPX_INST  hInst  ) 

Enables an ICE-like mechanism for determining connecticity of remote parties dynamically.

By default, ICE is disabled.

The current sipXtapi implementation is a bastardization of draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-04. In subsequent release, this will conform to draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-05 or the latest draft.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableInBandDTMF ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const bool  bEnable 

Enable/disable sending of in-band DTMF tones.

If disabled, the tones will be sent out of band (if out-of-band is enabled). In-band DTMF is enabled by default.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnable Enable or disable in-band DTMF tones.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableOutOfBandDTMF ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const bool  bEnable 

Enable/disable sending of out-of-band DTMF tones.

If disabled the tones will be sent inband (if in-band dtmf is enabled). Out-of-band DTMF is enabled by default.

Generally, out-of-band DTMF should always be enabled. In-band DTMF can be distorted and unrecognized by gateways/IVRs/ACDs when using compressed codecs such as G729. By nature, many compressed codecs are lossy and cannot regenerate DTMF signals. If you find that you need to disable out-of-band DTMF (due to duplicate DTMF signals) on another device, please consider reconfiguring that other device.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnable Enable or disable out-of-band DTMF tones.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableRport ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const bool  bEnable 

Enable or disable the use of "rport".

If rport is included on a via, responses should be sent back to the originating port -- not what is advertised as part of via. Additionally, the sip stack will not receive messages sent to the originating port unless this is enabled.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
bEnable Enable or disable the use of rport.

const bool  bEnable 

Enable or disable sending RTCP reports.

By default, RTCP is enabled and sends reports every ~5 seconds. RTCP is enabled by default.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnable Enable or disable sending of RTCP reports.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableRtpOverTcp ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
bool  bEnable 

Enables RTP streaming over TCP.

Enabling this feature allows the application to use RTP streaming over TCP or UDP.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnable True allows RTP-over-TCP, false disallows it.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableSipAllowHeader ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const bool  bEnabled 

Enables/Disables use of allow header in sip messages.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnabled True if allow header, false if no allow header

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableSipDateHeader ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const bool  bEnabled 

Enables/Disables use of date header in sip messages.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnabled True if date header, false if no date header

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableSipShortNames ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const bool  bEnabled 

Enables/Disables use of short field names in sip messages.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnabled True if short names, false if long names

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableStun ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szServer,
int  iServerPort,
int  iKeepAliveInSecs 

Enables STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT) support for both UDP SIP signaling and UDP audio/video (RTP).

STUN helps user agents determine thier external IP address from the inside of NAT/Firewall. This method should be invoked immediately after calling sipxInitialize and before creating any lines or calls. Enabling STUN while calls are setup should not effect the media path of existing calls. The "contact" address uses for UDP signaling may change on the next request.

TODO :: STUN conforms to IETF RFC/DRAFT XXXX with the following exceptions:

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szServer The stun server that should be used for discovery.
iServerPort The port of the stun server that should be used for discovery.
iKeepAliveInSecs This setting controls how often to refresh the stun binding. The most aggressive NAT/Firewall solutions free port mappings after 30 seconds of non-use. We recommend a value of 28 seconds to be safe.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigEnableTurn ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szServer,
const int  iServerPort,
const char *  szUsername,
const char *  szPassword,
const int  iKeepAliveInSecs 

Enable TURN for support for UDP audio/video (RTP).

TURN allows VoIP communications while operating behind a symmetric NAT or firewall (cannot only receive data from the same IP/port that you have sent to).

This implementation is based on draft-rosenberg-midcom-turn-04.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
szServer The TURN server that should be used for relaying.
iServerPort The TURN sever port that should be used for relaying
szUsername TURN username for authentication
szPassword TURN password for authentication
iKeepAliveInSecs This setting controls how often to refresh the TURN binding. The recommended value is 28 seconds.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigExternalTransportAdd ( SIPX_INST const  hInst,
const bool  bIsReliable,
const char *  szTransport,
const char *  szLocalIP,
const int  iLocalPort,
const char *  szLocalRoutingId,
const void *  pUserData = NULL 

Associates an external transport mechanism for SIP signalling with the given instance.

hInst An instance handle obtained from sipxInitialize.
hTransport Reference to a SIPX_TRANSPORT handle. This function will assign a value to the referenced handle.
bIsReliable If false, indicates that SIPxua should retry external transport writes in case of response timeouts. If true, SIPxua will not attempt retries in case of a response timeouts. For connection oriented transport (like TCP), bIsReliable should be true, for packet oriented transport (like UDP), bIsReliable should be false.
szTransport Transport type string to be used in SIP URIs. For example, passing in a szTransport of "flibble" will cause the transport tag to be added to the URI like so: "sip:mickey\;transport=flibble"
szLocalIP IP address which is the source address for the write.
iLocalPort Port value from which the data will be sent.
writeProc Function pointer to the callback for writing data using the transport mechanism.
szLocalRoutingId A local routing id pass back to the write proc callback.
pUserData User data passed back to the write proc.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigExternalTransportHandleMessage ( const SIPX_TRANSPORT  hTransport,
const char *  szSourceIP,
const int  iSourcePort,
const char *  szLocalIP,
const int  iLocalPort,
const void *  pData,
const size_t  nData 

Called by the application when it receives a complete SIP message via it's external transport mechanism and want to pass it along to sipXtapi.

The application is responsible for preparing the Data so that it is composed of a single and complete SIP message.

hTransport Handle to the external transport object. Obtained via a call to sipxConfigExternalTransportAdd
szSourceIP IP address which was the source of the data which was read.
iSourcePort Port value from which the data was sent.
szLocalIP Local IP address on which the data was received.
iLocalPort Local port value on which the data was received.
pData Pointer to the data which was received, which should point to a single and complete SIP message.
nData Size of the data which was received.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigExternalTransportRemove ( const SIPX_TRANSPORT  hTransport  ) 

Removes an external transport mechanism from the given instance.

Will fail if transport in use.

hTransport Handle to the external transport object. Obtained via a call to sipxConfigExternalTransportAdd

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigExternalTransportRouteByUser ( const SIPX_TRANSPORT  hTransport,
bool  bRouteByUser 

The external transport mechanism can be configured to route by user or by destination ip/port.

User is the default.

hTransport Handle to the external transport object. Obtained via a call to sipxConfigExternalTransportAdd
bRouteByUser true to route by user (default), false to route by destination ip/port.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetAllLocalNetworkIps ( const char *  arrAddresses[],
const char *  arrAddressAdapter[],
int &  numAddresses 

Populates an array of IP Addresses in char* form.

The array must be preallocated to contain MAX_IP_ADDRESSES elements.


arrAddresses Pre-allocated array to be popluated with ip addresses.
arrAddressAdapter For each record in arrAddresses, there is a corresponding record, with the same index, in arrAddressAdpater which represents the "sipx adapter name" for that address
numAddresses Input: Size of the preallocated arrays. Output: Number of IPs found by the system.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetAudioCodec ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  index,

Get the audio codec at a certain index in the list of codecs.

Use this function in conjunction with sipxConfigGetNumAudioCodecs to enumerate the list of audio codecs. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the audio codec preferences. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the audio codec can not be retrieved.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
index Index in the list of codecs
pCodec SIPX_AUDIO_CODEC structure that holds information (name, bandwidth requirement) about the codec.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetAudioCodecPreferences ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Get the current codec preference.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
pBandWidth pointer to an integer that will contain AUDIO_CODEC_BW_LOW, AUDIO_CODEC_BW_NORMAL, or AUDIO_CODEC_BW_HIGH. AUDIO_CODEC_BW_CUSTOM will be returned if a specific codec was et using the sipxConfigSetAudioCodecByName function.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalContacts ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
size_t  nMaxAddresses,
size_t &  nActualAddresses 

Get the local contact address available for outbound/inbound signaling and audio.

The local contact addresses will always include the local IP addresses. The local contact addresses may also include external NAT- derived addresses (e.g. STUN). See the definition of SIPX_CONTACT_ADDRESS for more details on the structure.

Determining which contact address to use depends on your network topology. If you have a proxy/edge proxy within the same firewall/NAT space, you can use the LOCAL UDP, TCP, or TLS contact type for your calls. If your proxy resides outside of the firewall/NAT space, you should use the NAT_MAPPED or RELAY contact type (UDP only). Both NAT_MAPPED and RELAY use your STUN-derived IP address, however RELAY requests TURN for media paths.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
addresses A pre-allocated list of SIPX_CONTACT_ADDRESS structures. This data will be filled in by the API call.
nMaxAddresses The maximum number of addresses supplied by the addresses parameter.
nActualAddresses The actual number of addresses populated in the addresses parameter.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalFeedbackAddress ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szRemoteIp,
const int  iRemotePort,
char *  szContactIp,
size_t  nContactIpLength,
int &  iContactPort,
int  iTimeoutMs 

Get our local ip/port combination for the designated remote ip/port.

This API will look at all of the stun and/or SIP message results to see if a NAT binding exists for this particular host. If using a proxy server, this is generally never needed, however, in peer-to-peer modes this can sometimes help you get through NATs when using out-of-band registrars / signaling helpers (not recommended -- use a proxy instead).

For this API to be useful, you need to add a keepalive to the remote host prior to calling this API. This may optionally block if a keep-alive request has been started, but we are waiting for a response.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szRemoteIp IP of remote party
iRemotePort port or remote party
szContactIp Buffer to place local contact IP if successful
nContactIpLength Length of szContactIp buffer
iContactPort Int to place contact port
iTimeoutMs Timeout in MS. Values of 0 (or less) signal not to block. Any other value is rounded up to multiple of 50ms. For VoIP, a value of 500ms seems plenty (latency longer than 300ms will result in a fairly bad audio experience).

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalSipTcpPort ( SIPX_INST  hInst,
int *  pPort 

Get the local TCP port for SIP signaling.

The port is supplied in the call to sipXinitialize; however, the port may be allocated dynamically. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to return the port value. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the protocol is not enabled.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
pPort Pointer to a port number. This value must not be NULL.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalSipTlsPort ( SIPX_INST  hInst,
int *  pPort 

Get the local TLS port for SIP signaling.

The port is supplied in the call to sipXinitialize; however, the port may be allocated dynamically. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to return the port value. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the protocol is not enabled.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
pPort Pointer to a port number. This value must not be NULL.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetLocalSipUdpPort ( SIPX_INST  hInst,
int *  pPort 

Get the local UDP port for SIP signaling.

The port is supplied in the call to sipXinitialize; however, the port may be allocated dynamically. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to return the port value. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the protocol is not enabled.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
pPort Pointer to a port number. This value must not be NULL.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetNumAudioCodecs ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
int *  pNumCodecs 

Get the number of audio codecs.

This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the audio codec preferences. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the number of codecs can no be retrieved.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
pNumCodecs Pointer to the number of codecs. This value must not be NULL.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetNumVideoCodecs ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
int *  pNumCodecs 

Get the number of video codecs.

This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the audio codec preferences. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the number of codecs can no be retrieved.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
pNumCodecs Pointer to the number of codecs. This value must not be NULL.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVersion ( char *  szVersion,
const size_t  nBuffer 

Get the sipXtapi API version string.

szVersion Buffer to store the version string. A zero-terminated string will be copied into this buffer on success.
nBuffer Size of szBuffer in bytes (not to exceed). A size of 48 bytes should be sufficient in most cases.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVideoCaptureDevice ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
char *  szCaptureDevice,
int  nLength 

Gets the current video capture device.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szCaptureDevice Character array to be populated by this function call.
nLength Max length of szCaptureDevice buffer.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVideoCaptureDevices ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
char **  arrSzCaptureDevices,
int  nDeviceStringLength,
int  nArrayLength 

Gets the list of video capture devices.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
arrSzCaptureDevices Array of character arrays to be populated by this function call.
nDeviceStringLength Length of buffer in arrSzCaptureDevice array.
nArrayLength Number of strings (of length nDeviceStringLength) in the arrSzCaptureDevice array.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVideoCodec ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  index,

Get the video codec at a certain index in the list of codecs.

Use this function in conjunction with sipxConfigGetNumVideoCodecs to enumerate the list of video codecs. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the video codec preferences. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the video codec can not be retrieved.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
index Index in the list of codecs
pCodec SIPX_VIDEO_CODEC structure that holds information (name, bandwidth requirement) about the codec.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigGetVideoCodecPreferences ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Get the current codec preference.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
pBandWidth pointer to an integer that will contain AUDIO_CODEC_BW_LOW, AUDIO_CODEC_BW_NORMAL, or AUDIO_CODEC_BW_HIGH. AUDIO_CODEC_BW_CUSTOM will be returned if a specific codec was set using the sipxConfigSetVideoCodecByName function.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigIsInBandDTMFEnabled ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
bool &  bEnable 

Determines if sending of in-band DTMF tones is enabled or disabled.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnable in-band DTMF tones enabled or disabled.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigIsOutOfBandDTMFEnabled ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
bool &  bEnable 

Determines if sending of out-of-band DTMF tones is enabled or disabled.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bEnable Out-of-band DTMF tones enabled or disabled.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigKeepAliveAdd ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  remoteIp,
int  remotePort,
int  keepAliveSecs 

Add a signaling keep alive to a remote ip address.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
contactId Contact ID used for the keep alive. sipXtapi will send keep alives from the interface identified by the contactId. Specify a contactId of -1 to send keep alives from all interfaces.
type Designates the method of keep alives.
remoteIp Remote IP address used to send keep alives. The caller is responsible for coverting hostnames to IP address.
remotePort Remote port used to send keep alives.
keepAliveSecs The number of seconds to wait before resending. If the value is <= 0, only one keep alive will be sent (calling sipxConfigKeepAliveRemove will fail).
See also:

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigKeepAliveRemove ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  remoteIp,
int  remotePort 

Remove a signaling keepalive.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
contactId Contact ID used for the keep alive. sipXtapi will remove keep alives from the interface identified by the contactId. Specify a contactId of -1 to remove keep alives from all interfaces.
type Designates the method of keep alives.
remoteIp Remote IP address used to send keep alives. The caller is responsible for coverting hostnames to IP address. This value must match what was specified in sipxConfigKeepAliveAdd.
remotePort Remote port used to send keep alives.
See also:

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigPrepareToHibernate ( const SIPX_INST  hInst  ) 

Call this function to prepare a sipXtapi instance for a system hibernation.

This function is not thread-safe.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigResetVideoCodecs ( const SIPX_INST  hInst  ) 

Reset the codec list if it was modified by sipxConfigSetVideoCodecByName.

This resets the selection to a full codec list. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the audio codec. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the codec is not set.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetAudioCodecByName ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szCodecName 

Set the codec by name.

The name must match one of the supported codecs otherwise this functon will fail. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the audio codec. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the codec is not set.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szCodecName codec name

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetAudioCodecPreferences ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Set the preferred bandwidth requirement for codec selection.

Whenever possible a codec matching that requirement will be selected for a call. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the audio codec preferences. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the preference is not set.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bandWidth Valid bandwidth requirements are AUDIO_CODEC_BW_LOW, AUDIO_CODEC_BW_NORMAL, and AUDIO_CODEC_BW_HIGH.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetConnectionIdleTimeout ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  idleTimeout 

Set the connection idle timeout.

If a media connection is idle for this threshold, a SILENCE event will be fired to the application layer.

Applications may decide to tear down the call after receiving this event under the assumption that the remote party is gone away. Be careful when using codecs that support silence suppression -- Some implementations continue to send RTP heartbeats, however, others will not send any data and may appear to be dead.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
idleTimeout The time in seconds that a socket is idle before a MEDIA_REMOTE_SILENT event is fired.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetDnsSrvFailoverTimeout ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  failoverTimeoutInSecs 

Specifies the time to wait before trying the next DNS SRV record.

The user agent will attempt to obtain DNS SRV resolutions for the child DNS SRV records. This setting is the time allowed for attempting a lookup - if the time expires without a lookup, then next child is attempted.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
failoverTimeoutInSecs Number of seconds until the next DNS SRV record is tried.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetDnsSrvTimeouts ( const int  initialTimeoutInSecs,
const int  retries 

Modifies the timeout values used for DNS SRV lookups.

In generally, you shouldn't need to modified these, however, if you find yourself in a situation where a router/network fails to send responses to DNS SRV requests these values can be tweaked. Note, failing to send responses is different then a receiving an no-such-animal response.

The default values are initialTimeout = 5 seconds, and 4 retries. The time waited is doubled after each timeout, so with the default settings, a single DNS SRV can block for 75 seconds (5 + 10 + 20 + 40). In general, 4 DNS SRV requests are made for each hostname (e.g.

If DNS response are dropped in the network (or your DNS server is down), the API will block for 3 minutes.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetLocationHeader ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szHeader 

Sets the location header for SIP messages.

The location header will be included in SIP requests and responses. You can disable the location header on a call-by-call basis in the by changing the bEnableLocationHeader flag on sipxCallAccept, sipxCallConnect, and sipxConferenceAdd methods.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szHeader - Location header
See also:



SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetLogCallback ( sipxLogCallback  pCallback  ) 

Set a callback function to collect logging information.

This function directs logging output to the specfied function.

pCallback is a pointer to a callback function. This callback function gets passed three strings, first string is the priority level, second string is the source id of the subsystem that generated the message, and the third string is the message itself.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetLogFile ( const char *  szFilename  ) 

The sipxConfigSetlogFile method sets the filename of the log file and directs output to that file.

NOTE: At this time no validation is performed on the specified filename. Please make sure the directories exist and the appropriate permissions are available.

szFilename The filename for the log file. Designated a NULL filename will disable logging, however, threads/resources will not be deallocated.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetLogLevel ( SIPX_LOG_LEVEL  logLevel  ) 

The sipxConfigEnableLog method enables logging for the sipXtapi API, media processing, call processing, SIP stack, and OS abstraction layer.

Logging is disabled by default. The underlying framework makes no attempts to bound the log file to a fixed size.

Log Format: time:event id:facility:priority:host name:task name:task id:process id:log message

logLevel Designates the amount of detail includes in the log. See SIPX_LOG_LEVEL for more details.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetMicAudioHook ( fnMicAudioHook  hookProc  ) 

Designate a callback routine as a microphone replacement or supplement.

The callback is invoked with microphone data and the data can be reviewed, modified, replaced, or discarded.

This callback proc must *NOT* block and must return data quickly. Additionally, the method should not call any blocking function (i.e. IO operations, malloc, new, etc).

Data must be formatted as mono 16-bit signed PCM, little endian, 8000 samples per second. The callback is handed 80 samples (10ms) of data at a time.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetOutboundProxy ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szProxy 

Defines the SIP proxy used for outbound requests.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
szProxy the new outbound proxy

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetRegisterExpiration ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  nRegisterExpirationSecs 

Specifies the expiration period for registration.

After setting this configuration, all subsequent REGISTER messages will be sent with the new registration period.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
nRegisterExpirationSecs Number of seconds until the expiration of a REGISTER message

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetRegisterResponseWaitSeconds ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  seconds 

Specifies the time to wait for a REGISTER response before sending a LINESTATE_REGISTER_FAILED (or LINESTATE_UNREGISTER_FAILED) message.

If not set, the user-agent will use a 4 second timeout.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
seconds The number of seconds to wait for a REGISTER response, before it is considered a failure.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetSecurityParameters ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szDbLocation,
const char *  szMyCertNickname,
const char *  szDbPassword 

Set security parameters for an instance of sipXtapi.

These should be set using sipxInitialize.
hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szDbLocation The directory in which the certificate database resides.
szMyCertNickname The local user's certificate nickname, for database lookup.
szDbPassword The password for the certificated database.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetSipAcceptLanguage ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szLanguage 

Sets the Accept Language used in sip messages.

e.g. - "EN"

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szLanguage - Accept Language string

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetSpkrAudioHook ( fnSpkrAudioHook  hookProc  ) 

Designate a callback routine for post-mixing audio data (e.g.

to speaker data). The hook may review, modify, replace, or discard data.

This callback proc must *NOT* block and must return data quickly. Additionally, the method should not call any blocking function (i.e. IO operations, malloc, new, etc).

Data must be formatted as mono 16-bit signed PCM, little endian, 8000 samples per second. The callback is handed 80 samples (10ms) of data at a time.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetSubscribeExpiration ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  nSubscribeExpirationSecs 

Specifies the expiration period for subscription.

After setting this configuration, all subsequent SUBSCRIBE messages will be sent with the new subscribe period.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
nSubscribeExpirationSecs Number of seconds until the expiration of a SUBSCRIBE message

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetUserAgentName ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szName,
const bool  bIncludePlatformName = true 

Sets the User-Agent name to be used with outgoing SIP messages.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
szName The user-agent name.
bIncludePlatformName Indicates whether or not to append the platform description onto the user agent name.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoBandwidth ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Set the bandwidth parameters for video codecs.Depending on the bandwidth parameter that is passed in the settings will be set to:.

VIDEO_CODEC_BW_LOW bitrate 5 kbps, framerate 10 fps VIDEO_CODEC_BW_NORMAL bitrate 70 kbps, framerate is what it was set to with sipxConfigSetVideoParameters or 30 if not set. VIDEO_CODEC_BW_HIGH bitrate 400 kbps, framerate is what it was set to with sipxConfigSetVideoParameters or 30 if not set.

This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the video codec preferences. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the preference is not set.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bandWidth Valid bandwidth requirements are VIDEO_CODEC_BW_LOW, VIDEO_CODEC_BW_NORMAL, and VIDEO_CODEC_BW_HIGH.
See also:

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoBitrate ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  bitRate 

Sets the video bitrate.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bitRate Bit rate parameter

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoCaptureDevice ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szCaptureDevice 

Sets the video capture device.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szCaptureDevice Pointer to a character array containing the name of the desired video capture device.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoCodecByName ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szCodecName 

Set the codec by name.

The name must match one of the supported codecs otherwise this functon will fail. This method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if able to set the video codec. SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the codec is not set.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
szCodecName codec name

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoCpuUsage ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  cpuUsage 

Set the cpu usage.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
cpuUsage CPU usage in percent

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoFormat ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Set the supported video format This method will limit the supported video format to either VIDEO_FORMAT_CIF (352x288), VIDEO_FORMAT_QCIF (176x144), VIDEO_FORMAT_SQCIF (128x92), or VIDEO_FORMAT_QVGA (320x240).

The method will return SIPX_RESULT_SUCCESS if it is able to set the video format, SIPX_RESULT_FAILURE is returned if the video format can not be set.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoFramerate ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  frameRate 

Sets the video framerate.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
frameRate Frame rate parameter

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoParameters ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const int  bitRate,
const int  frameRate 

Sets the bit rate and frame rate parameters for video.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
bitRate Bit rate parameter in kbps
frameRate Frame rate parameter frames per second

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoPreviewDisplay ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
SIPX_VIDEO_DISPLAY *const   pDisplay 

Sets the display object for the "video preview".

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
pDisplay Pointer to a video preview display object.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVideoQuality ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const SIPX_VIDEO_QUALITY_ID  quality 

Sets the video quality.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
quality Id setting the video quality.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSetVoiceQualityServer ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szServer 

Sets the SIP target URL for voice quality reports.

Voice Quality reports are sent at the completion of each call and give details on the voice quality (latency, noise, MOS scores, etc). Presently, this is not implemented in the open source version.

This must be enabled prior to creating a call or receiving a new call indiciation. Likewise, changes will not take effect for existing calls.

hInst An instance handle obtained from sipxInitialize.
szServer Target SIP URL for the voice quality reports. A value of NULL will disable voice quality reports.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigSubscribe ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const SIPX_LINE  hLine,
const char *  szTargetUrl,
const char *  szEventType,
const char *  szAcceptType,
const SIPX_CONTACT_ID  contactId,

Subscribe for NOTIFY events which may be published by another end-point or server.

sipXtapi will automatically refresh subscriptions until sipxConfigUnsubscribe is called. Please make sure you call sipxCallUnsubscribe before tearing down your instance of sipXtapi.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
hLine Line Identity for the outbound call. The line identity helps defines the "From" caller-id.
szTargetUrl The Url of the publishing end-point.
szEventType A string representing the type of event that can be published. This string is used to populate the "Event" header in the SIP SUBSCRIBE request. For example, if checking voicemail status, your would use "message-summary".
szAcceptType A string representing the types of NOTIFY events that this client will accept. This string is used to populate the "Accept" header in the SIP SUBSCRIBE request. For example, if checking voicemail status, you would use "application/simple-message-summary"
contactId Id of the desired contact record to use for this call. The id refers to a Contact Record obtained by a call to sipxConfigGetLocalContacts. The application can choose a contact record of type LOCAL, NAT_MAPPED, CONFIG, or RELAY. The Contact Type allows you to control whether the user agent and media processing advertises the local address (e.g. LOCAL contact of 10.1.1.x or 192.168.x.x), the NAT-derived address to the target party, or, local contact addresses of other types.
phSub Pointer to a subscription handle whose value is set by this funtion. This handle allows you to cancel the subscription and differeniate between NOTIFY events.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigUnHibernate ( const SIPX_INST  hInst  ) 

Call this function upon returning from a system hibernation.

This function is not thread-safe.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigUnsubscribe ( const SIPX_SUB  hSub  ) 

Unsubscribe from previously subscribed NOTIFY events.

This method will send another subscription request with an expires time of 0 (zero) to end your subscription.

hSub The subscription handle obtained from the call to sipxConfigSubscribe.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxConfigUpdatePreviewWindow ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,

Updates the Preview window with a new frame buffer.

Should be called when the window receives a PAINT message.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize
hWnd Window handle of the video preview window.

const int  udpPort = DEFAULT_UDP_PORT,
const int  tcpPort = DEFAULT_TCP_PORT,
const int  tlsPort = DEFAULT_TLS_PORT,
const int  rtpPortStart = DEFAULT_RTP_START_PORT,
const int  maxConnections = DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS,
const char *  szIdentity = DEFAULT_IDENTITY,
const char *  szBindToAddr = DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS,
bool  bUseSequentialPorts = false,
const char *  szTLSCertificateNickname = NULL,
const char *  szTLSCertificatePassword = NULL,
const char *  szDbLocation = NULL 

Initialize the sipX tapi-like API layer.

This method initialized the basic SIP stack and media process resources and must be called before any other sipxXXX methods. Additionally, this method fills in a SIPX_INST parameter which must be passed to a number of sipX methods.

phInst A pointer to a hInst that must be various other sipx routines.
udpPort The default UDP port for the SIP protocol stack. The port cannot be changed after initialization. Right now, the UDP port and TCP port numbers MUST be equal. Pass a value of SIPX_PORT_DISABLE (-1) to disable disable UDP or a value of SIPX_PORT_AUTO (-2) to automatically select an open UDP port.
tcpPort The default TCP port for the SIP protocol stack. The port cannot be changed after initialization. Right now, the UDP port and TCP port numbers MUST be equal. Pass a value of SIPX_PORT_DISABLE (-1) to disable disable TCP or a value of SIPX_PORT_AUTO (-2) to automatically select an open TCP port.
rtpPortStart The starting port for inbound RTP traffic. The sipX layer will use ports starting at rtpPortStart and ending at (rtpPortStart + 2 * maxConnections) - 1. Pass a value of SIPX_PORT_AUTO (-2) to automatically select an open port.
maxConnections The maximum number of simultaneous connections that the sipX layer will support.
szIdentity The default outbound identity used by the SIP stack if no lines are defined. Generally, the szIdentity is only used for inbound calls since all of sipXtapi APIs required a line ID for outbound calls. The identity will be used to form the "From" field (caller-id) and the username/URL parameters are may be used as part of the "Contact" header. In other words, this field does not impact any routing aspects of the call session.
szBindToAddr Defines which IP/address the user agent / rtp stack will listen on. The default "" listens on all interfaces. The address must be in dotted decimal form -- hostnames will not work.
bUseSequentialPorts If unable to bind to the udpPort, tcpPort, or tlsPort, try sequential ports until a successful port is found. If enabled, sipXtapi will try 10 sequential port numbers after the initial port.
szTLSCertificateNickname Nickname of the certificate to use as an SSL server.
szTLSCertificatePassword Password for the SSL server certificate.
szDbLocation Path to the certificate database.

const char *  szLineURL,
SIPX_CONTACT_ID  contactId = 0 

Adds a line appearance.

A line appearance defines your address of record and is used both as your "From" caller-id and as the public identity to which you will receive calls for. Directing calls to a particular user agent is achieved using registrations.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
szLineURL The address of record for the line identity. Can be prepended with a Display Name. e.g. - "Zaphod Beeblebrox" <>
phLine Pointer to a line handle. Upon success, a handle to the newly added line is returned.
contactId Id of the desired contact record to use for this line. The id refers to a Contact Record obtained by a call to sipxConfigGetLocalContacts. The application can choose a contact record of type LOCAL, NAT_MAPPED, CONFIG, or RELAY. The Contact Type allows you to control whether the user agent and media processing advertises the local address (e.g. LOCAL contact of 10.1.1.x or 192.168.x.x), the NAT-derived address to the target party, or, local contact addresses of other types.
See also:

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineAddAlias ( const SIPX_LINE  hLine,
const char *  szLineURL 

Adds an alias for a line definition.

Line aliases are used to map an inbound call request to an existing line definition. You should only need to an a aliase if your network infrastructure directs calls to this user agent using multiple identities. For example, if user agent registers as "sip:bandreasen\"; however, calls can also be directed to you via an exention (e.g.

If sipXtapi receives a call with an unknown line, you can still answer and interact wtih the call; however, the line handle will be SIPX_LINE_NULL in all event callbacks. Adding an aliases allows you to correlate another line url with your line definition and receive real line handles with event callbacks.

Line aliases are not used for outbound calls.

See also:

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineAddCredential ( const SIPX_LINE  hLine,
const char *  szUserID,
const char *  szPasswd,
const char *  szRealm 

Adds authentication credentials to the designated line appearance.

Credentials are often required by registration services to verify that the line is being used by the line appearance/address of record owner.

hLine Handle to a line appearance. Line handles are obtained by creating a line using the sipxLineAdd function or by receiving a line event notification.
szUserID user id used for the line appearance.
szPasswd passwd used for the line appearance.
szRealm realm for which the user and passwd are valid.

const char *  szURI,

Find a line definition given a URI.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
szURI URI used to search for a line definition
hLine line handle if successful

SIPX_LINE  lines[],
const size_t  max,
size_t &  actual 

Gets the active list of line identities.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
lines Pre-allocated array of line handles.
max Maximum number of lines to return.
actual Actual number of valid lines returned.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineGetContactId ( const SIPX_LINE  hLine,

Get the contact ID for the designated line handle.

hLine Handle to a line appearance. Line handles are obtained by creating a line using the sipxLineAdd function or by receiving a line event notification.
contactId contact Id specified during line creation

char *  szBuffer,
const size_t  nBuffer,
size_t &  nActual 

Get the Line URI for the designated line handle.

hLine Handle to a line appearance. Line handles are obtained by creating a line using the sipxLineAdd function or by receiving a line event notification.
szBuffer Buffer to place line URL. A NULL value will return the amount of storage needed in nActual.
nBuffer Size of szBuffer in bytes (not to exceed)
nActual Actual number of bytes written

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxLineRegister ( const SIPX_LINE  hLine,
const bool  bRegister 

Registers a line with the proxy server.

Registrations will be re-registered automatically, before they expire.

Unless your user agent is designated a static IP address or DNS name and that routing information is provisioned into a SIP server, you should register the line by calling this function.

Please unregister your line before calling sipxLineRemove.

hLine Handle to a line appearance. Line handles are obtained by creating a line using the sipxLineAdd function or by receiving a line event notification.
bRegister true if Registration is desired, otherwise, an Unregister is performed.


Remove the designated line appearence.

If the line was previous registered using the sipxLineRegister API, please unregister the line and wait for the unregistered event before calling sipxLineRemove. Otherwise, the line will be removed without unregistering.

hLine Handle to a line appearance. Line handles are obtained by creating a line using the sipxLineAdd function or by receiving a line event notification.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxPublisherCreate ( const SIPX_INST  hInst,
const char *  szResourceId,
const char *  szEventType,
const char *  szContentType,
const char *  pContent,
const size_t  nContentLength 

Creates a publishing context, which perfoms the processing necessary to accept SUBSCRIBE requests, and to publish NOTIFY messages to subscribers.

The resource may be specific to a single call, conference or global to this user agent. The naming of the resource ID determines the scope.

hInst Instance pointer obtained by sipxInitialize.
phPub Pointer to a publisher handle - this method modifies the value to refer to the newly created publishing context.
szResourceId The resourceId to the state information being published. This must match the request URI of the incoming SUBSCRIBE request (only the user ID, host and port are significant in matching the request URI). Examples: fred@, sip:conference1@,
szEventType A string representing the type of event that can be published.
szContentType String representation of the content type being published.
pContent Pointer to the NOTIFY message's body content.
nContentLength Size of the content to be published.
If the resource already has a a publisher created for the given event type, SIPX_RESULT_INVALID_ARGS is returned.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxPublisherDestroy ( const SIPX_PUB  hPub,
const char *  szContentType,
const char *  pFinalContent,
const size_t  nContentLength 

Tears down the publishing context.

Any existing subscriptions are sent a final NOTIFY request. If pFinalContent is not NULL and nContentLength > 0 the given publish state is given otherwise the final NOTIFY requests are sent with no body or state.

hPub Handle of the publishing context to destroy (returned from a call to sipxCreatePublisher)
szContentType String representation of the content type being published
pFinalContent Pointer to the NOTIFY message's body content
nContentLength Size of the content to be published

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxPublisherUpdate ( const SIPX_PUB  hPub,
const char *  szContentType,
const char *  pContent,
const size_t  nContentLength 

Publishes an updated state to specific event via NOTIFY to its subscribers.

hPub Handle of the publishing context (returned from a call to sipxCreatePublisher)
szContentType String representation of the content type being published
pContent Pointer to the NOTIFY message's body content
nContentLength Size of the content to be published

const int  udpPort = DEFAULT_UDP_PORT,
const int  tcpPort = DEFAULT_TCP_PORT,
const int  tlsPort = DEFAULT_TLS_PORT,
const int  rtpPortStart = DEFAULT_RTP_START_PORT,
const int  maxConnections = DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS,
const char *  szIdentity = DEFAULT_IDENTITY,
const char *  szBindToAddr = DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS,
bool  bUseSequentialPorts = false,
const char *  szTLSCertificateNickname = NULL,
const char *  szTLSCertificatePassword = NULL,
const char *  szDbLocation = NULL 

Re-initialize the sipX tapi-like API layer.

This method will remove all lines, conferences, calls, publishers, and subscribers, and listeners. Before calling this function, the application should un-register all registered lines.

Your listeners are NOT maintained. You should also reset any of your configuration settings (rport, outbound proxy, etc).

phInst A pointer to a SIPX_INST variable. Your old SIPX_INST handle will be invalid after this call. Calling any routines with the old SIPX_INST variable is undefined and may result in an exception.
udpPort The default UDP port for the SIP protocol stack. The port cannot be changed after initialization. Right now, the UDP port and TCP port numbers MUST be equal. Pass a value of SIPX_PORT_DISABLE (-1) to disable disable UDP or a value of SIPX_PORT_AUTO (-2) to automatically select an open UDP port.
tcpPort The default TCP port for the SIP protocol stack. The port cannot be changed after initialization. Right now, the UDP port and TCP port numbers MUST be equal. Pass a value of SIPX_PORT_DISABLE (-1) to disable disable TCP or a value of SIPX_PORT_AUTO (-2) to automatically select an open TCP port.
rtpPortStart The starting port for inbound RTP traffic. The sipX layer will use ports starting at rtpPortStart and ending at (rtpPortStart + 2 * maxConnections) - 1. Pass a value of SIPX_PORT_AUTO (-2) to automatically select an open port.
maxConnections The maximum number of simultaneous connections that the sipX layer will support.
szIdentity The default outbound identity used by the SIP stack if no lines are defined. Generally, the szIdentity is only used for inbound calls since all of sipXtapi APIs required a line ID for outbound calls. The identity will be used to form the "From" field (caller-id) and the username/URL parameters are may be used as part of the "Contact" header. In other words, this field does not impact any routing aspects of the call session.
szBindToAddr Defines which IP/address the user agent / rtp stack will listen on. The default "" listens on all interfaces. The address must be in dotted decimal form -- hostnames will not work.
bUseSequentialPorts If unable to bind to the udpPort, tcpPort, or tlsPort, try sequential ports until a successful port is found. If enabled, sipXtapi will try 10 sequential port numbers after the initial port.
szTLSCertificateNickname Nickname of the certificate to use as an SSL server.
szTLSCertificatePassword Password for the SSL server certificate.
szDbLocation Path to the certificate database.

bool  bForceShutdown = false 

Un-initialize the sipX tapi-like API layer.

This method tears down the basic SIP stack and media process resources and should be called before exiting the process. Users are responsible for ending all calls and unregistering line appearances before calling sipxUnInitialize. Failing to end calls/conferences or remove lines will result in a SIPX_RESULT_BUSY return code.

hInst An instance handle obtained from sipxInitialize.
bForceShutdown forces sipXtapi to shutdown regardless of live calls/unregistered lines. Enabling this in NOT RECOMMENDED, please tear down all calls and lines prior to calling sipxUnitialize.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUtilUrlGetDisplayName ( const char *  szUrl,
char *  szDisplayName,
size_t  nDisplayName 

Simple utility function to parse the display name from a SIP URL.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUtilUrlGetUrlParam ( const char *  szUrl,
const char *  szParamName,
size_t  nParamIndex,
char *  szParamValue,
size_t  nParamValue 

Get the Nth named url parameter from the designated url.

szUrl The url to parse
szParamName Name of the url parameter
nParamIndex Index of the url parameter (zero-based). This is used if you have multiple url parameters with the same name -- otherwise, you should use 0.
szParamValue Buffer to place parameter value
nParamValue size of parameter value buffer (szParamValue)

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUtilUrlParse ( const char *  szUrl,
char *  szUsername,
char *  szHostname,
int *  iPort 

Simple utility function to parse the username, host, and port from a URL.

All url, field, and header parameters are ignored. You may also specify NULL for any parameters (except szUrl) which are not needed. Lastly, the caller must allocate enough storage space for each url component -- if in doubt use the length of the supplied szUrl.

SIPXTAPI_API SIPX_RESULT sipxUtilUrlUpdate ( char *  szUrl,
size_t &  nUrl,
const char *  szNewUsername,
const char *  szNewHostname,
const int  iNewPort 

Simple utility function to update a URL.

If the szUrl isn't large enough, or is NULL, this function will fail, however, the nUrl will contained the required size in bytes.

To leave an existing component unchanged, use NULL for strings and -1 for ports.

Variable Documentation


Represents a null call handle.


Represents a null conference handle.


Represents a null instance handle.


Represents a null line handle.


Represents a null publisher handle.


Represents a null transport handle.

Generated on Wed Jan 31 22:16:37 2007 for sipXtapi by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1